Spices with Spies application


Application Form:


Your AFF name: blackwingsangel

Direct Link to Profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/34290


Name of Character:Lee Sooyun

Age (18~24):19 years old

Height:167 cm

Weight:50 kg

Undercover Girlfriend Name:Leona

Ulzzang Name (I'll find pics myself):Jung Hye Won


Languages:Korean (fluent), Chinese (fluent), English (conversational)



Independent girl, determined to be number one, and VERY choleric / bossy. Kinda stubborn, and no one could correct her, because she always thought her opinion is the right one. Smart but lazy to studying. She’s a hardworking type person. Easily get mad and can’t control her emotion very well. Almost never cried because she thinks crying people are weak.

Very athletic and sporty, sometimes use violence to finish problems. She’s very protective when it comes to peoples that she loved. Straight-forward and hate hypocrites. Sometimes her words stabs very hard, but she never cares about people that hurt by her words.


Likes:outdoor activities


Green tea ice-cream

Sunny days

Spicy Asian foods

Hip hop and RnB music



ert guy

Clean-freak people

Girls that do aegyo (she thinks aegyo are sooo annoying)



Feminine outfits


Trivia:she’s left handed

Can so judo, aikido, and taekwondo

A bad drinker, she easily got drunk

Can play guitar very well

Secretly wants to be a rapper/singer


Habits: sleeps easily, everywhere

Blew her bangs when thinking hard

Wake-up late

Take a long time when taking a bath

Talking a lot when she’s drunk


Fears:snakes and heights


Background to how you became an Assassin?:Sooyun grew up in downtown area in Seoul. She was very poor and struggling how to make money to stay alive in this world. One day, she accidentally canceled one assassination, and met the assassins. She can fight them back, make the assassins want to recruit her. Because Sooyun needs money, so she agreed to became of the assassin.


Years of Training:3 years

Specilaity: Pick three or four... ^^

[x] Samurai Swords

[x] Hand Guns (single)

[] Hand Guns (double)

[] Shotgun

[] Machine Gun

[] Sniper

[] Muai Thai

[] Kung Fu

[x] Kick Boxing

[] Capoeira

[] Kendo

[x] Karate

[] Other

Other important ablities: judo, aikido, and taekwondo


Love Interest: Junho , Wooyoung

What is he like towards you:Act coldly like I’m just her bodyguards and ignored me. Sometimes he humiliated me and thinks I can do nothing to protect him.

Any ideas of how you conflict and interact?:He’s so stubborn and didn’t believe that he might get killed by Japan Assassin, and didn’t want Sooyun to be around him all the time.


Applying as Co-Editor?:no~ sorry =(

If yes, a paragraph explaining a fight please: (5 sentences):

Password:Ssanti Dancing ^^


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