OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, facebooking the guy I like >_< feeling kind of faint right now. How did I start the convo? Oh you know, with the "Hey cousin" then with "Oh, im sorry, i messaged the wrong person" ;D now we're talking like nothings wrong


*update: aspparently, he doesnt know what a water boiler is 0_0 awkward lol oh well it makes him more adorable. (my brother screams in the background) ran out of things to talk about, its going downhill >_<


okay, talking about yugioh.... yes he's an american football player (asian) who plays with yugioh cards. I LIKE MY DORKS!


now we're just being weird, we talked about senior project, my house, now showers (?) we really are something else... well at least i know im not on that line that separates the friends and aquaintances (if i spelled that right)


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Haha XD You supposedly messaged the wrong person~ haha
Good luck with the conversation! ^^