Updates, Anniversary, and AmJungSeo love

Hello Hello (and yes, I just heard SHINee in my head).

Anyway, my 2 busy weeks are behind me but I still haven't finished updating my "Open Your Eyes" story. Part of that is because I think I might change what happens in the chapter and move what I had to another chapter. But now I have to figure out how to write it and have it make sense. Frustrating. But if anyone who is reading this and is actually reading that fanfiction, I will work really hard to figure it out and update. So don't give up on me.  

Also, It was my AFF one year anniversary like 3 days ago, and I wanted to do something special or fanfiction related to celebrate. I bounced around a lot of ideas, but I didn't have time to prepare anything, and I couldn't figure out a way to ask for prompts from my subscribers or whatever. I have snippets of fanfics that I've written but I would never post them, either for reason A. They're too humorously ual or B. I had a strong start but didn' know where else to go (I ALWAYS know how my stories are going to end. And if I don't, that means I can't finish them).   

If you've ever visited my profile or read any of my other blogs, you'll also know that I have 3 ultimate biases. All thee equally share my heart: First came Amber, then came Jungshin, and last came Seohyun. I put this together a long time ago, so I guess I'll post for my anniversary since they inspire me on this site and my love for Kpop (or in Jungshin's case, Kpoprock). I've written an extremely  fanfic about the three of them being friends and living in a house together, in which Henber and Yongseo are all semi-dysfunctional relationships and poor Jungshin is all alone (mainly because I don't ship him with anyone yet lol). It's pretty funny... to me anyway... but I'll probably never post it. So this is the next best thing: 


Amber: Amber Josephine Liu

Group: f(x)

First impressions: "What the hell?! What is this chick doing in this video?!" (watching NU ABO for the first time).

How she became my bias: Her part in NU Abo (my favorite Kpop song to this day) became my favorite, and she made the strongest impression on me than any other person I had seen in Kpop. I became fascinated with her every word and every move. When she went on her hiatus for her ankle, I was super angry with SM for not speaking a word and stopped listening to Kpop for awhile.

Favorite hairstyle: When she was bleach blonde and rocked the messy Mohawk. Perfection.

If I ever met her I would say: You’re the reason I stuck around for Kpop. Let’s be texting buddies!!

If I had the chance to give her a gift, what would I give her: I saw this really adorable stuffed llama in the kid’s section at the bookstore and immediately wanted to buy it for her lol so I’d either buy that or get her a hat.

Favorite Amber idol interactions: definitely Henry, Seohyun, Minho, and any Super Junior member.  

Favorite Amber-centered song: goodness, where to start? Beautiful Stranger, I’m Back with Danson Tang, and probably her Weibo song that she stole from Henry. Her rap in My Style is my favorite Amber rap.

What more do I want to see from her: I do want F(x) to attempt another y, classy type of video/style, like Chocolate Love, which is my jam!

If Amber was really my friend: She’d be the friend I’d joke around a lot with and did random stuff with.


Seohyun: Seo Juhyun

Group: SNSD/Girls Generation/TaeTiSeo

First impressions "She’s so… plain. Who is this chick?" I also thought she was an actress because I felt she wasn’t pretty enough to be an idol. I had NO idea she was apart of SNSD.

How she became my bias: The minute I found out what kind of personality she had. She changed my entire opinion of Girls’ Generation being a bunch of brainless, immature pretty girls who giggled a lot. And I started seeing how ridiculously beautiful she was. I discovered all of this through watching “We Got Married”. Because of her, I became an SNSD fan because I started monitoring them closer.

Favorite hairstyle: I really like her hair black, long, and straight, like during the Twinkle promotions.

If I ever met her I would say: Seohyun!! Oh my goodness, you’re so awesome!!

If I had the chance to give her a gift, what would I give her: I wish I could sew or crochet because I sincerely want to make her stuffed goguma toys… kind of like Taeyeon’s peas.

Favorite Seohyun idol interactions: with her member Hyoyeon (besties!), Amber, and CNBlue boys

Favorite Seohyun-centered song: Has to be Twinkle, and her performance of Jack by Pixie Lott.

What more do I want to see from her: I used to want her to sing a Taylor Swift song, and she did!! Now I want to see her perform a strong Beyoncé song. It would be awesome.

If Seohyun was really my friend: I think we’d be extremely close because we’re very similar, and I’d try to hook her up with Yonghwa. I mean, let's be honest here.


Jungshin: Lee Jungshin

Group: CNBlue

First impressions: "Woah… there is something undeniably cool and hot about this guy." I first saw him on the WGM Horror Special featuring Khuntoria, Yongseo, and Adam couple.

How he became my bias: I watched the Intuition video, the first video I ever watched of CNBlue’s and was blown away. By eyes kept going straight to Jungshin, and I was pumped to recognize him from WGM Horror Special from Khuntoria. When I got really into CNBlue, he was instantly my favorite member for both looks and personality.

Favorite hairstyle: His long long long lion “Come on Over” hair right before he trimmed it for his drama and then cut it all off.

If I ever met him I would say: Jungshin chingoo, from this day forward, call me Noona. Noona will always support you in all that you do.

If I had the chance to give him a gift, what would I give him: I would give him a cool looking t-shirt, but I have no idea what size he is.

Favorite Jungshin idol interactions: he doesn’t have too many interactions, but my answer would be usually with an SNSD member. He had a bit of interaction with Amber, but come on Amber, add him to your list of many friends! I need more.

Favorite Jungshin-centered song: I have the live version of him singing “Let’s Go Crazy”, and I adore it for so many reasons. Also, there’s a live version of Love Girl where Jungshin does the rap on his own, and I love the way he sounds!

What more do I want to see from him: more of his amazing acting! He’s doing amazing on his drama, My Daughter, SeoYoung.

If Jungshin was really my friend: We could not be friends. I’m too attracted to him. Despite the fact that he's younger than me.


I'll be working hard on "Open Your Eyes" tonight when I get home. Honestly.


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happy anniversary to you!:D i had a fun time reading this post hihi