

I just wanted to rant, today is just one of those days. It's sunday night, LATE, might i add. I am just sick and tired of doing hw. I've been doing homework since i arrived home on friday afternoon, I woke up at 8 in the morning saturday TO DO HOMEWORK. I had to leave my family reunion EARLY to go home and- you guessed it- DO HOMEWORKKKKK. I wake up at 12 on sunday and I HAVE BEEN DOING HW THE WHOLE ING DAY. LIKE WTHHHH THIS SOULD NOT BE HAPPENING WHUT THE IM NOT IN COLLEGE. I do not understand how these teachers think i can complete so much homework?! It's not humanly possible! It makes me sick, i can't even eat because i dont have time to waste. It's 11:36 and i have a load of math homework and 8 reading sessions*THAT ARE FUKIN LONG AND THE WORST I'VE EVER HAD TO DO IN MY LIFE* Like seriously?! WHUT IT THE POINT OF THAT . I KNOW HOW TO ING READ THAT'S HOW I GOT TO JR YEAR. My grades mean alot to me, i dont want to go to class with no homework in hand it makes me feel dumb and i'm just not that kind of person. But i seriously think, i'm going to be and gunna just YOLO and EVERYTHING. My hair shouldn't be falling out and i shouldn't be having anxiety over this crap. This is seriouse crap and i'm just not going to deal with this. I am seriously tired of this school and these rude as teachers, I just can't keep doing this. Going to school with 3-4 hours of sleep a whole week and do the same on the weekends? NO I HAVE TO SEE A ING NEUROLOGIST NOW BECAUSE I'M PASSING OUT RANDOMLY. LIKE WTHHHHHH MY HEALTH COMES FIRST S. /sigh

sorry for the rant, i just...needed it.

And to conclude this I would like to add that Kaisoo is beutiful. Lay is a y derp. and Wufan is going to be the death of me. :) EXO KEEPS ME ALIVE.


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