An explanation to my lovely readers

Hey guys! Have you ever had the feeling when you want something and when it's about to be granted 'someone' just enters the picture and ruins it all. That thing that you want was just suddenly forgotten and you're there left all alone. Because that's how I'm feeling right now!!! (And I really feel like crying T.T)


I hate it how it always happen! Why is life so cruel??!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it.


But anyway that's not the point. You see, I promised to you guys that I'm going to update maybe in the month of February. I even PROMISED and I, yes ME, I NEVER BREAK MY PROMISE. 



But I just did and it breaks my heart (and my record). Because I can tell that I can't update during the next few weeks.


Why? You guys may ask.


You see, I'm in the middle of a big deal with my parents. No, it's not the kind of deal where they'll drive me out of the house if I don't pass my grades. And no, it's not the type of a deal where I'll get grounded for the rest of my life.

Let's all start from the very beginning shall we? But before that, I have a good news for everyone (or maybe only for me =.=... I feel so alone~) I GOT TOP 3 IN CLASS!!! *do the happy dance*

*cough* *cough* You never saw that...

So, let us begin from the start, shall we?

It started one sunday evening where we just went home after a party. Our family decided to stop at McDonald's to eat. Yes, even though we went to a party, we were a bit hungry after that because the food was all gone and me being the shy awkward girl I am only ate a few.

I said to my dad that I want to learn a new instrument. Then he asked what it is. I said that I want to learn the violin ever since I was a 5 years old gir (Yes, that long). He was a bit skeptical and even laid out the cons about it. But being the persistent girl I am, we came to an agreement.

He said that if I get to top 7 and above during the over all ranking in our room, he'll agree to buy me a violin and go to a violin class (not sure about the violin class because it's a hell of expensive). 


That's the reason why I'm trying to give everything I have. I want to explore myself to different fields because I want to find myself. I love writing stories, that's for sure. But I want to experience new things. Who knows? Maybe I'll excel in this or maybe I even have a talent in violin. But then again, even if I don't, I'll do everything to learn how to play the violin.


Please do try to understand. I want to explore and to know things. I'm sure you guys want to do those things too. I'm just an ordinary girl who is still finding myself so please support me. I know you guys will do. And to those who will understand, thank you and please wait for me to give wonderful updates again.


Maybe I'll update after school is done so there will be no distractions. 




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lovidovi #1
It's okay. That's your right. I hope you get the rank and the violin course. I'll be patiently waiting for your story.
Aww. I though you want to end this story with no updating again. Cheer up! I know being teenager ain't easy, right? ;)
i understand. a lot of the time i feel bad because i dont have time for my subbies to write and all but also want to try new things. violin's a really fun instrument--i play it--and you should try it. im thinking about electric bass and piano but having a hard time convincing my parents. anyways hwaiting! and i love your story so far! never give up (banglo) --Amy/Ying v^_^v