APP: The Tutoring Circle


The Man Behind the Curtain------------

Username: Apple-Piggy

What do you want me to call you?: I'm Apple, hello Tofu~!

Activeness: 8

Comment: Hmm, I'm not really sure what to say here since there are two 'comments' section. :P Oh well! Just don't hesitate to tell me what's wrong and what needs to be fied, I'll to it right away with amazing speed. XD

Please Meet....?

Name: Jung Yeorang

Age: 17

Height: 5 ft

Weight: 87 lbs

Basic Appearance:

She has smooth dark brown hair, which she usually prefers tying it up since she gets easily hot. She isn't exactly tall for her age, she's not fat either, her milky skin was the last touch to make others think that she was younger than her real age. She has dark brown eyes which glisten a lot because of her activeness.

Special Features:

Her face is tinted with natural shades of pink that isn't really visible if you aren't near to her. She has a small scar on her palm.

Style: She loves wearing soft fabric almost all the time, even when it's summer. She doesn't like wearing dark clothes since she strongly believes that if the clothes she wears are lighter in colour, her mood shall be lighter as well. She hates wearing exposing and tight outfits,it's because that she gets cold easily plus, who in the world would love wearing clothes that would make you hard to breath.


She is a very bright and cheeky person. Most people label her as 'childish' due to her stubbornness and mischievous attitude. She sings a whole lot, not many people really mind about that fact, but the fact that she also talks a lot kind of make them annoyed. Don't get it wrong, she isn't really hated by others but when she goes to her hyper talkative AND singing mode, they just can't stand it. One tip to give others about her is that never, I repeat NEVER ignore her. She'll keep on repeating her question again and again, which sounds like a machine that's gone haywire.

There are times when others really enjoys her company, especially when the room needs some cheering up. She is a very curious girl that would ask question about things that she's interested in. As for things that do not interest her, she'll get sleepy when others talk about it. She can be very random when picking something to sing if no one gave her a theme, let's say that someone just sang a ballad that made some people get into the sad mood, she'll just randomly sing something childish and funny. Though she doesn't seem like it but she's very patient and don't get angry or sad easily, making her bottling up all her feelings. She loves making friends, no matter who it is and where the person is, even in the toilet!


  • Ice-cream - It's probably the only thing that won't cause her to go hyper active that has sugar in it so she loves it.
  • Cute things/animals/person - She would totally go softy mode and keep hugging it, if it's a person she'll pinch it's cheeks.
  • Music boxes - She thinks them as her brothers and sisters since they emit great music together.
  • Bells - She's  in love with the sounds of bells and is determine to sing just like it, which is of course, impossible.


  • Violence - Well, she loves being active but like normal people, she hates violence
  • Liars - She would feel uncomfortable around them, as much as she wants to trust everyone but she finds it hard to believe every single thing everyone says.
  • Bullies - They bullied her friend, of course she hated them to death.
  • Silence - she does not only dislike it, she'll kind of freak out and talk and sing as much as she could to make the room noisy again. Which usually made her get in trouble during exams. XD
  • Insect - She hates them to death, she'll probably try to kill every single one she sees, including flies. XXD


  • Biting her lips when she's nervous
  • Poking her cheeks when too happy
  • Would hit something, anything when she's upset but of course she would do it with a smile (which is creepy)
  • Needs to hug something or else she can't sleep, at all
  • Before she sings she would tap the table or whatever is near her three times, if she's standing, she would tap her thigh, so no one could notice at it.



  • Mannequins - They're the reason why she does not go to the mall often. She claims that they have eyes that only aims for her and her only, waiting for the right time to finally capture her. Whenever she sees them she would run for her lives, thinking that they're watching her every move.
  • Trees - Since the accident, whenever she sees trees she would freak out since she thinks them as beings that punishes naughty little children. Even if she's 16 now but she still looks like a child, plus, she's the naughty type if you ask someone so she's afraid of them.

Trivia: (Okay, I'll blow your mind as you wished)

  • She's blood type O - They're the active type like her, no?
  • Her ambition is to be a music teacher - It's quite obvious and she's honest about it
  • When she has a fever, she'll be exactly like a drunk person - Like drunk man, she gets hyper active and would be like a crazy person partying
  • She'll get hyper active if you give her anything that contains sugar, except ice-cream - As much as she LOVES sweet things, she can't eat them, except of ice-cream
  • She believes in unicorns - She once tried to find them with her father in one of their 'adventures', she still believes in them now, despite her age.
  • She has a height complex - She'll get angry/sad if someone calls her short, but won't show it out, of course
  • Her favorite animal is the panda - One of the reasons why she finds Tao nice to talk with and also the reason why she glompped him in their first meeting.
  • Despite the fact she sings cutesy songs everyday, her favorite genre of songs are ballad and soft songs - She likes singing them since they require emotions, which she needs to show out once a while since she can't bottle up everything.
  • If you ask her what animal she wants to be, she'll choose the dinasour - She actually finds her and them alike. She thinks that dinasour hides their strength behind the cute faces, just like her.


She's A Beauty----------

Ulzzang Name: Hong Younggi

Pictures: 1 2 3 4

Back up Ulzzang: Park Hwa Hui

Pictures:  1 2 3


It's Getting Personal...


When she was a child, her father would always fill her time by taking her out on their own 'adventure'. Her mom would usually greet them at home, being the passive one in the family she doesn't likes going outdoor as much as the both of them. So, she kind of shared a special bond with her father. Don't misunderstand, she gets along super well with her mom just like her dad, it's just that she feels more free and bubbly around him.

Her father died not longer afterwards due to a car accident. She was with him that time, he was driving the car quite fast since he wants to make it an exciting trip for her. After her father died her mom starts to worry a whole lot about her. Whenever she tries doing something reckless her mom would nag her a whole lot but stops doing so not longer later since her mom can't really stay mad for a long time due to her bad health.

Once, she was climbing the tree, wanting to sing together with the birds on the branch. The nest was going to fall down and just then she caught it, but letting her lose her footing. When she tried grabbing a branch, she ended up giving her palm a scar. Her mother of course, panicked and start nagging her,but this time, she replies back angrily saying that she needs freedom too. Her mother eventually slaps her which makes her cry and her mother was going to say something but before that, she starts to breath heavily and eventually faint.

When she woke up she hugs her tightly and actually cried, saying that she doesn't want to lose Yeorang as well. Since then, she start to hear everything her mom says when she's at home, without even replying back or showing any hint of sadness, making it a habit that she also kept at school. But, due to the lack of activeness at home she gets 3 times more active at school than at home.


Her life isn't that complicated, she isn't poor nor she is rich, just in the middle. She sees her mother often and would help her out in chores and such. She would also sing at home, but she lowers the volume a bit. She still has some fun at home by talking to her mom and singing together. She works part time in an ice-cream parlor nearby, which would make it easily for her mom to visit her when working and looking after her. She isn't as reckless as before and is quite careful of her actions.


Father: Jung Yenim | 40 | Architect | Dead | He's a fun and loving father to Yeorang. He would do anything for his little girl, even if that costs his life. He strongly cares for his family and would always compliment how pretty his wife looks, making him seem like a true gentleman. Hewould usually spend his time 'adventuring' with Yeorang since that also inspires him to work.

Mother: Shin Miran | 38 | Reporter | Alive | She comes off as a strict and perfect woman to all her co-workers since she doesn't smile often to them at all. She's a worrywart towards everything, especially when it involves her family. She went through major depression when her husband died since they truly loved each other but doesn't show it. Yeorang's voice came from her since when she was a kid, she also loved singing very much.



Hello Beautiful Target.You Zoom Zoom My Heart Like A Rocket-

Love Interest: Tao


He can come off as a cold person at the first conversation. But, when you really get to know him well, you'll find that he just gets embarrass and shy easily. Well, that is if you don't get to his wrong side. He's usually the calm and quiet type in class, he doesn't talk at all if no one starts the conversation. Some people might even find him weird due to his weird choice of picking sad events that occur in the past to remember. Although he might not seem like it but he's actually an awkward turtle, he isn't well at socializing, making him have not much friends. Despite the fact that he actually tries, he would usually fail.

When he talks about sad events of the past, he would kind of go quite... dramatic. Well, you can't blame the guy, can't you? History's his passion. He does enjoy his peaceful life somehow, despite the fact that it does get lonely but only sometimes. He doesn't really know how to deal well with bubbly and active people since he's more of the passive type. When he finally meets Yeorang he wasn't really comfortable, but, being the cheerful and loud girl she is, she didn't hesitate at all to call him names and make fun of the times when he speaks about sad events of history. 

Tutor of?: History


On their first meeting, she made it super duper special by singing opera to fit in the mood of history, it gave Tao an impactful first impression, of course. Her favorite nickname for his is probably 'Dramatic panda' since she thinks it fits him more than the nickname 'Historic panda' that other's gave him. She sometimes can be too comfortable with him, like hugging him and pinching his cheeks, usually making him surprised and embarrass. Even though he feels quite uncomfortable around her because of her over hyper personality, he can't deny the fact that he enjoys her presence since she's probably his first friend.

Scene Requests:

- Her glomping him in their first meeting.

- Her teaching him how to aegyo!

- She teaching him the basics of socializing and asks him to try it out, which fails, epicly.

- He gives her chocolate because she even went as far as to kneel down, too bad he didn't know the consequences.

- She and Tao kind of argued about history, she said it's boring while Tao says it's not. She then asks him to sing out a song in the past that would sure to interest her. Maybe he could sing something romantic? I'll go search if you want me to!

- Her going to school even though she has a fever because she doesn't want to worry her mom and ends up being crazy when it's time for him to tutor her. She accidentally kisses him, but then passes out, she of course remembers everything but instead pretend to know nothing because she enjoys watching his embarrass face when they talked about it.

- She gives him a tip to dress up as something cute to make more friends. The next day, he end up dressing in an insect costume because insects equals cute to him. When she saw him, she kind of freaked out and hit him with the broom over and over again.

- She orders him to lower his height, which he obediently does because he doesn't want to mess with her. In the end he lifts her up and asks whether she's satisfied or not. She got embarrass and start kicking and hitting him like a little child, making him having a nosebleed in the end of the day. XD

- Hmm, a date in the theme park? He suggested it with a embarrass face, so, how can she decline it when she has the chance to make him embarrassed. It didn't end well when she came back home late and her mother hugs her because of being too worried and tells her to cancel of her history tutoring session.

Picture of Tutor: 1 2 3

Signing off with A BANG!


I'm obviously excited! This is going to be fun to fill since I love filling out apply form. BTW, I'm so confused which plot to choose!! :P I'm quite sure that Luhan's plot going to have lots of applicants. I also have a feeling that Tao's going to have a lot as well but oh well~! I just hope I get picked!

Suggestions?: Hmm, maybe adding likes, dislikes, habits, trivia in the app form would make you understand the characters better? :3

Password: Kimchi Club


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Oh my gersh I got an image of InsectoTao and omg she hits him with a broom XD How are bugs cute Tao? Huh? Answer meh! I love what you added omg. I hope I get more applicants so you actually have competition. I could write your character right here, right now >v<
Ok, I took your advice, so the app has been changed. When you get around to it, you can fill in those extra things!
I knew I'd forget something. I did do this at four in the morning...>v<
Thanks! I'll add those to the app if you don't mind. And I love your character and her interactions holy geez.