Ghost Hunt: Oh Shinhye


Oh Shinhye
                                   (kissychuu)__(7 - average)__(Chuu)

Character Name: Oh Shinhye


✘ Hyeoh / Hyo - used by those close to her (family, friends, select colleagues)

✘ Ohshin / Ocean - public alias

Birthday and Age: 02/02/1992 - 21

Height/Weight: 170 cm / 50 kg


✘ Casual / Work - 1 2 3 4 5

✘ Work / Formal - 1 2 3 4 5

✘ Out on the Town - 1 2 3 4 5

✘ Hair - side-braid pigtails down

Birthplace: Daegu

Hometown: Daegu

Ethnicity: Korean, but tells people she is half-French to explain away her blue-grey eyes

Language: Korean, bits and pieces of random languages depending on who she is channeling



behind the mask

Ulzzang: Byeon Seoeun / Eun - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Jungha - 1 2 3 4 5


A leader is what Shinhye most definitely is not. Gentle and soft-spoken, she is passive and prone to following what she is told because of her distaste for conflict and confrontation. After all, she figures there’s nothing wrong with giving in if it’ll save everyone some trouble. Despite her relatively young age, Shinhye has seen more than enough grief and rage in the world due to her contact with the supernatural - if compromising her opinion could lighten some of the negativity, then so be it. This attitude of hers is probably why she managed to remain her hometown’s treasured psychic for as long as she has, even when she began feeling uneasy with her role. There were people depending on her, and Shinhye didn’t want to worry or disappoint anyone relying on her. Shinhye is perhaps willful for all the wrong reasons, since she stubbornly bottles up her thoughts in favor of enduring what is expected of her. Of course, Shinhye also has her limits. One can only stand so much before reaching a breaking point, no matter how patient and tolerant.

Having grown up with such close ties to the supernatural, Shinhye never exactly feared the spirits and demons lurking everywhere. Though she came to recognize the danger some of them may pose, she remains a calm and collected individual even when things get out of hand - it’s not like panicking would help matters, much less screaming for help if she’s the only one who can sense them around her. The quality carries into other aspects of Shinhye’s life, allowing her to objectively analyze her problems. She may not always be able to solve everything she’d like to, but she can also admit to herself when she needs help. Rather than develop a sense of pride from the praise she’s been showered for helping others, Shinhye is aware that her supposed gift may come at a price and become a weakness of hers. Although she doesn’t know exactly what the consequences for her abilities are, Shinhye is cautious of what she does and who she interacts with…unfortunately for her, troubles don’t disappear just because she pretends they aren’t there.


Shinhye’s powers were discovered rather early on, courtesy of her peculiar eyes. After her father’s initial rage (“You cheated on me?” “No, she’s yours, I swear!”) and her mother’s fears (“Is something wrong with her, doctor?” “She seems in perfect health, don’t you worry.”) were put to rest, they assumed Shinhye inherited a recessive gene for eye color from one of them and left it at that…until they noticed their baby behaved rather unusually. Shinhye hardly cried and spent most of the day seemingly staring at nothing in particular. No matter how many doctors her parents took her to, they always sent her away with a clean bill of health and congratulations for having such an easy child to care for. It wasn’t until Shinhye gradually learned to speak, did they realize what it was that always captured her attention. Skeptical at first, her parents chalked Shinhye’s babbles about spirits and demons to an overactive imagination. Wasn’t it normal for kids to have imaginary friends? Yet far be her to outgrow them - if anything, her descriptions of the invisible multiplied as Shinhye grew older and her vocabulary expanded. Not only that, they became more disturbing and positively morbid. Surely thirteen was much too old to still be living in fantasy. Worried that taking her to a psychologist would land her in an insane asylum, Shinhye’s parents took her to see a local priest instead, where they soon learned the true nature of her abilities. News spread and strangers soon came from all over the province, asking to have Shinhye communicate with dead loved ones. It was all well and good the first few years, as Shinhye and her family realized they could make a profitable living off her powers, but Shinhye also discovered the more spiritual contact she made, the more often she’d black out. She’d wake up disoriented, with no memory of what she was doing. Shinhye assumed those blanks were from channeling the deceased, but the dark periods sometimes seemed endless and didn’t always happen while she was purposely speaking with the dead. Shinhye was conflicted - she was scared about what she might be up to during her black outs and what the consequences of her powers were, but she also didn’t want to worry her parents and disappoint them or the people she could be helping find closure. Her inner turmoil eventually caused her to run away from home, eighteen and with no ideas of how she’d support herself.

Shinhye reluctantly joined Choi’s team when the supernatural continued to plague her wherever she went…and her wages as a waitress proved insufficient. Having been focused only on escaping her identity as a famous psychic, Shinhye had fled all the way to Seoul, where she figured no one would recognize her so long as she kept a low profile. It wasn’t difficult, given her soft-spoken nature, but living in the capital was not how she expected. She thought that she would be able to work part-time while attending university, but that plan didn’t last - tuition was expensive, a luxury compared to food and the rent she could barely afford. What’s more, Shinhye should’ve known the supernatural were everywhere, and it was like they knew she was aware of their presence. Even though she was no longer making conscious contact, she could still sense the paranormal, and she was still blacking out for unpredictable amounts of time. To make matters worse, lately she’d been waking up next to men she didn’t even know, clothes she wouldn’t ordinarily wear scattered at the foot of the bed. The only silver lining Shinhye could come up for the scenario was that at least she had yet to commit an actual crime. She could no longer deny she needed help, and if she had to trade her services for the help she needed, she would.


✘ cooking / eating

✘ trying and rating new "creations" on drink menus

✘ reading romance novels

✘ listening to music

✘ solving sudoku puzzles / crosswords


✘ sweets / desserts

✘ the smell of fresh-brewed coffee

✘ breezy days

✘ song instrumentals / ballad covers of hit songs

✘ fireworks


✘ rolls around in bed "to stretch" before she can get up

✘ drinks at least one cup of coffee every day

✘ hums aloud to her music, at home and in public

✘ chews on things while she reads (for example: gum, tip of her pen, straw of her drink, her nails...)

✘ sleeps with an eye-mask, so she can at least pretend she won’t see anything floating outside her window


✘ attention

✘ places with lots of people (it tends to mean something else is also lurking)

✘ making her bed in the morning

✘ steamed carrots

✘ hot water running out when she showers


✘ writes with her left hand in pen, her right hand in pencil (she can’t switch for some reason)

✘ has a scar on her lower right abdomen, left over from her appendectomy when she was younger

✘ listed “caffeine connoisseur” under special skills on her first work resume (she wasn’t hired)

✘ has a motorcycle license, but not a driver’s license

✘ has a dream-catcher hanging over her bed



those who inflicted me



✘ Oh Soohyuk : 56 : Strong, independent, and self-confident, he is a natural leader. Not only does he have a strong sense of responsibility, he’s a bit of a perfectionist and holds himself to high standards. : Father - Shinhye admires the qualities in him that she lacks, but finds him difficult to talk to because of their very differences.

✘ Oh Hyeja : 53 : Warm, caring, and devoted, she wants nothing more than the best for her family and household. Her vision of the "big picture" therefore often clouds her attention to details. : Mother - although she obviously loves her daughter, she fails to pick up on Shinhye’s growing unease and remains oblivious to Shinhye’s inner thoughts.


✘ Seo "Seohyun" Joohyun (SNSD) : 21 : She may seem meek and timid on first impression, but once she has warmed up, she is bubbly and talkative. Sweet, thoughtful, and friendly, she is the ideal girl of many a guy, but this romantic is much more interested in the love stories of others than her own. A bit of a gossip, she’s a good listener but also takes everything she hears with a grain of salt, aware that the sources of most stories tend to be questionable. : Friends - a fellow waitress and Shinhye’s first friend upon arriving in Seoul, though Shinhye never confides her past with her.

✘ Nam Woohyun (Infinite) : 22 : Forward and outgoing, he may come off as a shameless flirt or womanizer, but it’s in actuality a front he puts on - he deliberately plays up the role as a mood-maker to put everyone at ease. Despite his bold advances, he respects unspoken boundaries and never tries to force himself onto others. Witty and a real smooth talker, he can be manipulative and knows how to get what he wants. : Friendly acquaintances - Shinhye’s neighbor who’s often concerned for her because of the unusual hours she’s out and about, and checks in on her when he can.

Past Lovers:

✘ Jeong Jinwoon (2AM) : 21 : He always seems to be happy, and endearingly tries to raise everyone’s spirit too - with his charming smile and quirky sense of humor, it is not usually difficult. He is rather gullible because he’s so honest, but it also shows how sincerely considerate he is when he says or does something. Despite his goofy laid-back image, he’s smarter than people give him credit for. : Ex-boyfriend - they met in Seoul and dated for two years. Shinhye truly loved him (she thinks she might love him still), but broke up with him out of guilt after the first time a black out landed her in another man’s bed.

✘ more one-night-stands during her black outs than she wants to think about

Rival: none



a love even death can't touch


Plot Line: 2

Love Interest: Lee Sungyeol (Infinite)

Back-up Love Interest: Lee "Hoya" Howon (Infinite)


Honest and straightforward, Sungyeol doesn’t beat around the bush when he has something to say, never mind sugarcoat his opinions to spare someone’s feelings. In fact, he’d probably yell it from the rooftops if he could. Sungyeol is cheerful and playful, with a tongue sharper than steel when it comes to teasing mercilessly. His prickly retorts are nothing compared to his quick wits, however - despite all his disarming smiles and seemingly childish reactions and pranks, Sungyeol is more insightful than he lets on. Enthusiastic about working at the Research Center, he responds swiftly to almost any situation, showing how serious he can become when he needs to be. He sulks when he doesn’t get his way and can hold grudges, but he would never intentionally hurt someone out of revenge. He’s a coffee addict and can’t function in the morning until he’s had some, or else he’ll be moody and bad-tempered the rest of the day.

How They Act Around Each Other:

Sungyeol brings out the worst in Shinhye. Although she is usually mellow and patient, his persistent interest in her drives her up a wall. Shinhye tries to maintain her calm and endure him as she does everything else - she suspects he badgers her on purpose, just to get a rise out of her, and she does not want to give him the satisfaction! Yet Sungyeol always manages to push her buttons one way or another, using his apparent genius for evil, and Shinhye always winds up snapping. While it’s true that Sungyeol’s interest in Shinhye stems from her psychic abilities, he’s also made it his personal goal to get her to be more expressive and honest with herself - the quiet thing’s so passive most of the time, Sungyeol’s frankly surprised she’s not the Research Center’s doormat. What better way than getting her to let out some pent-up steam? If Sungyeol gets his own kick out of messing with her along the way, well, he certainly won’t deny it (just don’t ask how cute he happens to find her reactions). 



anything else?



I know you listed 1 paragraph for the background section, but I wanted to be thorough with how and why Shinhye got to where and who she is. Instead of cutting out details I thought were relevant, I bolded the key points - I hope that's okay QuQ Hope you'll like Shinhye! Feel free to change things or let me know if something's wrong or confusing. Hwaiting on the story author-nim, I'm really excited for it to begin!


I like the structure you described at the end of your first teaser - does it mean that each arc will focus on a particular character and their development, or will it be divided equally between all the characters over all the cases? Of course I don't know what you're planning for the cases and development, but I think it'd be cool if each arc played to a different character's strength? LOL, don't take this to heart, was just tossing out ideas~

Scene Requests:

✘ Shinhye getting arrested for a crime "she" committed during a black out and needing to help with a case from behind bars

✘ and / or Shinhye waking up next to Sungyeol and screaming because it’s the guy she (still) can’t stand (argh, of all people!)

✘ and / or Shinhye running into Jinwoon and not knowing how to face him after their sudden breakup (potential love triangle?)

Password: Ghost Hunt


( h a r l e q u i n. )


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