DIARY: February 2013

It's 23 February today and, in less than a week, the month will change again. Day by day passed and what do I have here to share?
First of all, I must admit I owe a lot of apologies to my readers, subscribers, and friends, for being so slow in updating any of my stories.
I'm not going to make excuses but I guess I just want to spill out what I had done for the past weeks. Eventually works, yes my job in real world, got onto my path. Sometimes I returned home after 9 PM and so on. Quite busy, I must say.
Saturday and Sunday are the best days to pick in a week, yes it is, but I have some errands to do as well on those days. Technically speaking, I couldn't do any updates.
It's not like I have writer's block. In fact I have a lot of ideas keep running on mind yet I can't write them down properly. I'm not going to force myself to update, knowing that I may screw the whole future of the stories and disappoint the readers.
Now, let's go to the main topic.
After thinking for days and night, I came to a conclusion to switch the whole status of my current stories.
I have been unfair with Between Us ~forever yours~. I started it on September 2011 and it's already 1 and a half year yet I still haven't finished it. Though I said I would update it frequently on last December, I didn't do it.
It will go up to my top priority now.
Next one is Little by Little ~ because you stay ~. To be honest, among all my unfinished stories, it has the lowest subscribers but it doesn't mean I'm going to abandon it.
So, yes, those two stories will be my top priorities now.
However Lady Love, Hearts are Made to be Loved, The First Collage ~ Another Me ~, and Code Name: Into The INFINITE Abyss will definitely have my attention as well. And I will never forget my collaboration project with msnosun: SPECIAL: I love you the best!
So, no worry. I hope I can do better to fulfill your expectation! :)
Goes to some additional information of my February.
Yoseob apparently gave us a Valentine's present on 14 February: "Even Then, I" Music Video! Well, surely most of the time it shows scenes from "Caffeine" MV but, well, could I complaint? kkk~
B.A.P is back with "One Shot"! Oh yeah, the MV might not have the best storyline, but I gotta say this is the song which caught my attention the best. "Warrior" and "Power" are great but they won my full attention with this one song.
SHINee has their "Dream Girl" but what caught my attention is their newest Japanese song, "Fire". I always love their Japanese tracks for no reason. kkk~
Music Bank in Jakarta. 9 March 2013. And I will attend the concert. * throws confetti * In two weeks, ladies and gentlemen! * throws more confetti *
I guess that's all for now. Better go to write something now. ;)
Thank you for reading this random post! ^^


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be sure your readers can understand you, so take your time, i promise you to wait patiently. FIFHTING!
PS: i envy you, you can attend the Concert, enjoy it soooooooooo much
Ohmy. You will attend the concert. So envy ><
I like BAP's new song too even though I don't follow them before! :)