5 minute blog

Hello darling people of AFF (asdfghjkl),


Have I told you guys that we are moving to a new house? We got the key today. (yey!) and hello new room for me. Our internet connection will be AWOL next week so I am sorry to say my updates have to wait too. The design of my room so far is a stained carpet and 4 boxes with a single bed. My sis told me to make a Yoochun shrine (which is obviously not happening since Yoochun's poster will stay inside the cabinet >stay hidden you weird thing<)

Anyway, I went to the doctor last monday because I was not feeling well and the medicine give me headaches and made me very sleepy that renders me useless most of the time. So not until my body is used to the medicine I wouldn't be online. (So yea maybe a week or so) In a while I will try to make it up and write if I have the time (which is close to never) or if the dizziness and headache goes away (which I am trying to fight harder than I should). I am a very stubborn person so I will lurk in aff once in a while if I have a chance. A week.. maybe I will be gone for a week.

I have a new friend and it's a kindle paperwhite. So happy with it!


I don't even know if you care... but send me an arrow prayers so that I'll feel better soon. (I just want you to pray. LOL)


Hope everything goes well for everyone.



I am just glad there is no chad (car) episodes recently or I might lose it soon. (my sanity if you are curious..)


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get well very soon Jo!!!!!!!! and chukae for your new house and new bedroom kkkk~
i have 2 yoochun poster, a dbsk and a jyj poster hanging perfectly on the wall above my desk so every time i get tired because of a bunch of paper work or my lecture giving me never ending drawing assignment, i just lift my head looking at them and my tiredness will gone hahahaha
Haha. Bless Chad. And the owner too. We'll pray for you but you do have to rest in order for the meds to work on your body.

Haha. Why are you ashamed of Chunnie? Well, if I ever get a poster, I'll just put it somewhere hidden as well. Look at it every once in a while. Haha.