I Can't Focus

Hi guys, I'm sorry to make a notification of new blog posts appears but I really need to spill my problem out this time because... I think, I think all of you might help (hopefully!)


Is it just me or everyone who's in fandom having problems with school, I mean, problems to follow the lesson or something like that? It's quite hard for me to follow the lesson because... because... because all I do at home is making fanfiction, spazzing, saving pictures, watching videos... ugh ;(


I believe all of you can manage time well and I need your advice. How can I keep focus with school? Since I'll be having a major exam this year (high school entrance test) I need to focus and study hard but everything (even if EXO hasn't made any comeback yet) disturb me, everything distract me and I don't like that at all ;A; it burdens me, even if I like the way I live my life now, being lazy, but it will burden me if I don't study for my exam ;A;


do you have any trick to keep focus and push away the distraction when you're studying? please tell me because I really need tips and advices! ^^


Thank you very much! <3<3<3<3 very much saranghae for you all<3<3<3


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I'm not even at school anymore, but at uni. And honestly, I can focus during the lectures just fine. The problem arises when I come back home and have to study, do projects, etc... but I guess procrastinating is in my blood, and if it wasn't kpop, it'd just be something else xD
So the best advice I can give you is get self restraint for your laptop/pc (it's a program that blocks you from using certain websites that might distract you during your study time) and don't use wi-fi on your phone. Maybe there's a way to block that too, lol xD
i dont hve the exact same problem but I feel you, woman. TT^TT