White Christmas, Red Snow || Ahn Miyoung


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Username: MindragonFan

How active are you?: 10

Nickname: Captain Min

Everyone has a name »

Full Name: Ahn Miyoung

Nickname(s): Mimi - Her older relatives Kitty - Her friends, because she resembles one. Kitten - Kai, because she reacts "funny" when he does.

Age: 16

Birthdate: October 12th, 1996

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean (Fluent) English (Basic)

Beauty is only skin deep »

Ulzzang Name: Jang Hae Byeol

Picture Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Back-up Ulzzang: Mikki

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Show me your heart »

Personality: At first glance she seems very calm and quiet, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In reality she’s very sarcastic, but not the biting kind, just making comments here and there to lighten the mood. She’s not a very bubbly, cutsey, kind of girl,(though she is very hyper at times) she’d rather wear jeans then a skirt, though she enjoys wearing them occasionally.

Her sense of humor is more sly comments then outright jokes, if she’s tries to tell a joke she would fail epicly. She can’t tell a joke to save her life. But she loves to laugh and finds almost everything funny, if she’s not laughing it’s most definitely not funny.

Slow to trust people in the beginning but will warm up very quickly. She’s a very outgoing person and loves making new friends.

She can, at times, be very niaive, most adult humor goes over her head. She had a very sheltered life so she has yet to experience .(or anything like that)

She’s the first one to criticize herself, always pushing herself to be the best she can be. She doesn’t care to be better then anyone else, and doesn't believe she is either.

She's very protective of her friends, hurt or insult one of them and you'll have to deal with her. Good with words, and gifted with a razor sharp tongue, you don't want to piss her off. She'll break you down, she can see every insecurity a person has, even if they're good at hiding them.

She's smart, she notices things normal people wouldn't. If you enter a room and start walking towards her, she'll already have a grasp of your personality before you even reach her. Even if you're strangers.

Background: She grew up the only child of her family, in result her parents were extremely protective of her, sometimes almost stifling her. When she was three they moved to the country, because it was "safer" for her. She quickly grew used to her parents protectiveness, and she became very adept at keeping her parents happy, while getting what she wanted. She was very gifted with words and her grandad used to say "she had never met a word she didn't like"

She spentt a lot of time with her grandparents, listening to her grandads stories(it was one of the only times she'd be quiet) From that she became very wise, though she rarely showed it. In school she was always in trouble for "disrupting the class" (really she was just talking to much) And it took all of her brains and will power to get her parents to allow her to go to the school. Even then, they worried about her.


  • Sunshine
  • Food
  • People
  • Colors (especially the color blue)
  • Music
  • Cartoons



  • Scary things(she's the chicken of all chickens)
  • Meat, she's a vegetarian
  • Having her picture taken(her cousin told her that they can steal your soul, she didn't believe him, but she's still cautious)
  • Phy Ed. (She's weak in the physical department)
  • Rules. (Only because her parents had so many)


  • Talking, in case you didn't notice, she loves to talk
  • Sleeping, she's a very deep sleeper.
  • Collecting things, one day she's collecting bottles, the next it could be shells.
  • Starting books, but never finishing them


  • Talking rapidly when nervous or scared
  • Chewing on her hair.(she's trying to break this habit)
  • Breaking eye contact with people when she's talking, holding it for to long makes her uncomfortable.
  • Talking with her hands/body


  • Scary things
  • Bugs and spiders
  • Drowning


Favorite thing to do at a slumber party: Talking, she loves to talk.

Opinion on supernatural creatures: She believes, and she's terrified of many of them.

Does "love at first sight" exist?: Sometimes, she's never had it happen to her.

If you had to break one of the school rules, what would it be and why?: Rule 8. Respect is earned, not demanded.

Dream Job: She doesn't know.

How many kids do you want in the future?: 3.

Mode of transportation to and from school: Her parents will pick her up, they don't like her being on her own.

Top three ways to die (one must be violent): Being stabbed(by anything; a knife, a metal beam, anything), being hung, and falling from a high place(like out a window).

Least favorite cafeteria food(s): Hot dogs.

Best school subject: History.

Family before all »


Ahn Minho | 50 | Factory Manager | He's generally a very quiet person, but he's good with people. He knows what to say to people, a good leader. People like him. Very protective of his daughter. | He listens well to her, is actually more relaxed then his wife/Miyoung's mother. | Alive


Ahn Jihyun | 45 | Housekeeper | She's very talkative, like her daughter, but she worries about everything. Is constantly moving, she's always doing something. | Very protective of her daughter, is against almost anything her daughter wants to do. | Alive

Siblings: N/A

Other: N/A




Love is a silly thing »

Love Interest: Kai/Kim Jongin

Age + Birthdate:19 + 01/14/1994

Personality: He's friendly towards anyone(unless he doesn't like you) and he loves to mess around with people. He has no intention of getting into a "real" relationship, a player, he's always on the look out for a new conquest. He loves to dance, and it's the only thing he's truly loyal to, besides his friends. He's smarter then people think, though he tends to sleep during class. A trouble maker, he doesn't respond well to authority, or rules.   

How you met/meet: Miyoung has seen him around, he doesn't know her at all. :3

What rules would he break?: Try all of them.


Back-up Love Interest: N/A (this is non negotiable *hordes kai* mine)



How you met/meet:

What rules would he break?:

That’s a nice story »

Scene Requests: Kai trying to get into Miyoungs pants, and her having no idea whats going on. But not in a funny way, in a dark way.

Comments: *waves number one fan banner* Zuna! Zuna!

Questions: When's lunch?



Because I refuse to choose a bias



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