Yep... Still In Support of CNBlue

Rant. Rant. Rant.

So annoyed with this whole CNBlue vs. Crying Nut lawsuit.

I’ve read all the articles straight through, and although I’m a fan and a girl, so annoyed with people accusing Boice fangirls of being “butthurt” just because they’re questioning this sunbae group and their intentions. Kpop fans have several words infused in the fandom. “Butthurt” is one of those words, which means naturally I hate it. “oppar”, “unnir”, and “” are some other ones I despise. BUT anyway…

Two days ago, CNBlue gave the group the apology they wanted (and I quote “we wanted to also receive an apology from CNBLUE on the copyright issue.”) but still held firm their position. I thought to myself “Crying Nut got what they asked for, but they’re not going to back down because that’s not what they truly wanted. It’s become a big news item, and if they back down, their pride will be hurt in front of everyone”. Like I said in the beginning… it’s all a pride thing.

So naturally, they came out with this super long, drawn out statement that was pretty well written. I’ll admit that first and foremost. But it was clear that they were subtly throwing shade CNBlue’s way while trying to appear like caring, concerned “sunbaes” scorned by mainstream mistreatment.


And if there was no legal precedence set, we also thought that powerless indie bands could have extremely unfair harm bestowed upon them if something like this occurred again in the future.

Apparently you’re not powerless if you’re able to seek legal action and fight the copyright of your material, which you should if that’s the case, and already receive a sum of money from the people (Mnet) who admit to being solely responsible.

  Also because CNBLUE had a plagiarism issue before with the indie band ‘xxx’, we had to take time to accurately prepare legal measures.

Wow. That was with the “I’m a Loner” composer, not CNBlue, who didn’t even write that song. At least say FNC. But hey, opening up an old wound to make CNBlue look like frequent plagiarizers makes Crying Nut’s case look better. 

We do not think that it is a such a matter where you can just simply say, ‘We lipsynced since we were rookie musicians and we were told to do so by the broadcast station. Why are you being so narrow minded and picking on us for something like that, sunbaenim!’ and to leave it alone.

But… that’s exactly what happened…? Didn’t they read the point that CNBlue tried to refuse the performance but Mnet wouldn’t let it go that easily and threw something together? Maybe now FNC and/or CNBlue could definitely say no, but back then, if you’re trying to make nice with the broadcasts that promote your music, you won’t really be in an arguing mood. They did what they had to do. I agree, they shouldn’t have done it because of the copyright, but they obviously didn’t do it maliciously. Crying Nut didn’t have to leave it alone. The minute they found out, they should demanded an explanation and apology from FNC. But did they? No. And CNBlue never said anywhere in their apology that Crying Nut was picking on them and being “narrow-minded” sunbaenims. 

They lip and hand-synced to another song’s AR and even released a DVD.

Everyone by now knows that CNBlue did NOT release the DVD. Mnet released the DVD. They didn’t even receive CNBlue’s consent. Did Crying Nut just decide to look past this information even though that was their whole reason for suing Mnet in the first place? Everyone also knows that until CNBlue recently fought for their right to perform live, they weren’t allowed and were made to hand-sync. The lip syncing stuff is debatable since some say Yonghwa sang and other accounts say he didn’t.

We thought it was unprofessional and could not understand it when they tried to appeal to our emotions by telling us that they had no other choice because of the broadcast station.

How is stating the truth of the matter unprofessional? And if you weren’t buying their , why did some of your members feel conflicted and waver on their choice to sue? That is reflected in the next sentence.

We saw an article saying that they apologized sincerely and that they would try to stop another situation from happening……. But they didn’t say how they were going to make an effort to stop it from happening.

Isn’t it obvious? They wouldn’t perform a song that isn’t theirs or FNC would make sure the broadcast has the rights to the song. Even if that’s not true, how would they know how they would better handle it unless another situation comes about?

It is okay if we are told that we have a double standard, or if we’re called narrow-minded sunbaes?

No one from FNC or CNBlue called you a narrow-minded sunbae. No one. Maybe some other names in their minds but that’s another story.

Also, the legal compensation we would get from CNBLUE will be deposited to our legal firm to be donated for the copyrights in order to help grow the indie scene.

Talk about showing a bleeding heart for the public. What happened to the money Mnet gave them? Did that too go towards helping to grow the indie scene?

But you know what, this did get me thinking. To raise money to pay off the lawsuit, CNBlue should just hold a big concert in the middle of some part of Seoul, shut that down, and perform their asses off live. Put their hearts on that stage so that these indie bands stop assuming that they aren’t about the music. If they weren’t about the music, Yonghwa would have not worked his off to write his own music, Jonghyun would not have challenged his CEO telling him that “all I want to focus on is music” when his CEO wanted him to branch out, Jungshin wouldn’t have strummed the bass until his fingers bled to join CNBlue in Japan pre-debut, and Minhyuk wouldn’t have sobbed on camera because the Korean public didn’t take them seriously as a band and said they put no effort into learning instruments and couldn’t play. Which brings me to this point…

We heard that CNBLUE were also once an indie band in Japan. What is ‘indie’? Simply, it is ‘independence’? They create their own music, produce in their system, and distribute through a pretty independent method. The most important thing is to have full responsibility over their products and actions. ‘Indie’ is not marketing. It is a full mindset. We do not believe that wrongdoings should be avoided when you are part of an independent movement but had no choice because someone with power told you to simply do so.

Smh. They were an idie group in Japan. Not in Korea, where the system does something as careless as saying “Well provide everything. Just get on stage” and not even seek the rights to the songs they want a naïve rookie band and a small company (FNC is no SM, YG, or JYP) to perform on a whim.

‘One truthful ’ can change the world. From Crying Nut.

Or maybe the South Korean music industry, who I’m sorry, isn’t known for being truthful. All feelings aside, I hope Crying Nut is right about this, that these companies won’t take advantage of any of these musicians. But why target a group who is fighting to be called musicians just as much as “powerless” indie bands in SK?

I don’t know how this will play out, but I’ll always support CNBlue. If they had done this knowing everything and had done so without a care, I wouldn’t be on their side. However this plays out, CNBlue has come so far and will only get better, fight harder for their dream, and spread their music further. These “sunbaes” should be rooting for groups like CNBlue, not trying to throw shade at their intentions.

Boice life. It’s real out here.  



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we are in the same boat :( i am really sad right now because of the hard time CNBLUE is going through. i am praying that they will be alright. and to Crying Nut, WTH?!