RN I just want to flip tables and delete all my stuff and get out of every damn social network and live in a cave with Internet access to go on tumblr anonymously and live off berries (not game, I can't and don't wanna hunt).


Seriously I'm pissed at RL people for different reasons and I really don't wanna witness them brag around on fb twitter and stuff I've had enough of that !


Sorry I'm being random please don't mind me I just wanted to vent my anger a bit before going to not-sleep tyvm.


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you alright now? :O
SachyXD #2
Coooome here!!!/glomps

Don't mind all that people they're just plain ____ty so bleh!!!

You need a bunch of hugs and a good tumblr hunt of awesomefreaktastic stuff xD

thehehe I'll send you a ton of hugs, just need to mentally prepare myself to be sore from here to the next...month??!! xD hahaha Dunno//shrugs
Hehehe Smile :D ~<333333
Awhhh what happened?
what's wrong??
/patpat 8| i know the feeling - its why i actually just dont go on social networks mostly, especially not with RL people _ _ its highly depressing/frustrating/infuriating even. 8| i might have an FB but i avoid it like the plague ;A; it makes me want to scream. /HUGS/ 8| i sympathize.