Dream High: Dreams Come True Application

Personal Info

Name: ShinningStarx3

AFF Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/34068

Charatcer Personlity

Name: Fujioko Haruhi

Nickname: Haru

Female or Male: Female

Ulzzang Link(s):





Ulzzang Name: Park Young Hee

Age (17~19): 17

Height: 170CM

Weight: 46KG

Personality: She is kind of straight forward girl that say what's in her mind. She doesn't like being hypocrites or liar. When something is not right, she will immediately say it out. She is not very sociable person but still have close friends. It's okay for her to know new friends but don't try to be close with her when you're not because it disgust her. She is helpful and always help her friends when they need it. Don't ever disturb her or make her annoyed because she won't let you go until she feel that you get your punishment. She can make your life miserable. Doesn't show much expression on her face even when she is sad, she still have her poker face. She have some kind of aegyo that will only be shown when she is with her very close friends. She love being different from the others. That's why she choose to learn B-boy and popping rather than y dances. She have talents in dancing. Most of the kpop song dance, she know how to dance. She is a fast learner in dancing. When she is taught for the first time, she can easily remembers it.



- Dancing

- Being different

- The color blue

- Winter and snow

- Rapping

- Making people's life miserable


- Dirtiness

- Liars and fakers

- Plastic barbies

- Annoying people

- People who act close with her

- Seafood

- Eggs


- When she is concentrated on dancing,never disturb her if you don't want get a kick from her

- Couldn't stand dirtiness and will immediately clean it when she saw it.

- Can be very cruel on words if she doesn't like that person

- When she is bored, she will go and stalk people

- When she feels hyper, she can't quiet down for a period of time.

Any Fears:

- Being alone at the stage

- Heights


- Have stars tattoos on her neck and left arm

- AB blood type

- Have 3 piercings on her right ears and one on her left ear

Peronsa: The Straight Forward Girl, The sharp tongue queen

Your Talents:

Auditioned Talent (i.e. singing rapping etc) (If dance specify): Dance (Popping,B-boy)

Youtube Link to Your talent (can be an idol):





Love Interest:

Name one within the list of Charatcers and then another outside: GO or Yang Seung Ho

Relationship status: Single

Friend Within the List: Tae Yang, Yoseob


Password: Taecyeon


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@xoxmarshaxox Lol thanks >< Oh really?! YAY !! *High 5* XD I love her danceee XD
xoxmarshaxox #2
Awesome appieeee! muwahaha high five Hyoyeon fan (love her dances XD)