My life is my enemy

Yaw guys... Yea.
Like the title.. I supposed to think that my life is just like my enemy.
Yes!! Of course I'm saying the truth because everyone that I love:
*my family
*my friends
*and some of my enemies
Are starting to treat me like a MAID. Wait, the one that treat me like a MAID is my family I mean...

They always ask me to do some works in the house like HOUSEKEEPING? Aggh!! WHAT'S THAT?!
Hell yeah.. They ask me to do this:::

-Wash clothes..
-Wash those glasses,dish etc.
-Sweep the floor
-and also you know? CLEAN ALL THE HOUSE!!

They said because I'm the oldest in my siblings so everything ups to me...



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Same with me!
My family like to treat me like a maid to..
Bcuz im the oldest in the siblings..They always say like that..I hate being the oldest >:|
I totally know how you feel :/