Beautiful 6 APP- - -Kim "Kristan" Sooyoung

Kim Sooyoung


Ayo Wassup - 

Aff Username & Link: rainingscenarios

What do you want me to call you?: TD

Ayo GG ~! ^^

Name  : Kim Sooyoung

Age: 16

Bloodtype: A

Birthday: November 8

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean, English, Mandarin


Who'z That This  Girl ?

Ulzzang/Idol Name: Nam Woong

Pictures: /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /5/ /6/ /7/

Backup Ulzzang/Idol : Choi Seo Hee

Pictures . . . . . .

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 42 kg

Style: Simple and clean, a bit guyish.

Extra: N/A



Personality: Without a care in the world, she roams around freely. There is simply no designated 'label' to put on her, she is simply her own person. She'll go from brave, carefree, and sporty to being soft and quiet behind a lonely bookshelf reading shoujo manga.

She's not very noticable with shut and blends right in with the background. Unless she talks, that is. She's a bit of a chatterbox and never runs out of topics to talk about. She's lively and energetic.

Sooyoung is completely competetive and will beat you in anything as long as it doesn't require of physical movement and the competition is a video game. If she looses, she'll whine and crack her voice and probably lock herself up in a cupboard.

You annoy her, and you're gone for sure. Sooyoung isn't the person who is easily irritated, but if you go to some extents, have fun with her fire breath.

Being quite sarcastic, you may get offended by her phrases easily. But do not take it to heart, Sooyoung is just merely making a slight joke.

 She's not the cutest girl and probably not your ideal type, but this nice girl is willing to love you. Even as a second choice, but it's not like she'll ever express her feelings.

On-Screen: A total dork. Sooyoung may not be the most popular, but with her dorky personality and quirks, she's taken the laughs of many in the audience. She's got this weird, adorable laugh that sounds a bit like a screeching narwhal, but that's just something about her.

She's not all 'y' and even with those long legs, there's no way in hell she wants to be labeled as that! Moreover she's just clean and pretty, even with her style.

Off-Screen: A bit guyish. Sooyoung is just her same old self, yes, but on screen she does not have opportunity to show off those some bits. She's a bit of a joker and will make slight hurtful points, but in a humorous way. She's a tad lazy and quite a pig, but nevertheless bright!


  • Bubble tea
  • Basketball
  • Vanilla fragrances
  • Star origami
  • Snapbacks
  • Sneaker wedges
  • Shoujo manga
  • Orange soda
  • Video games


  • Spiders
  • Thunder
  • Lightning
  • Hail
  • Doing chores
  • People with of no intelligence

Major Flaws:

  • Doesn't know when to be serious
  • Screws up friendships due to lack of experience


  • Playing Pokemon on the DS and Gameboy
  • Drawing anime
  • Playing Dating Sims
  • Cooking
  • Soccer


  • Slight stutter when speaking
  • Mutters lyrics under breath
  • Sniffles often
  • Puffs cheeks when bored
  • When laughing very hard, tends to say 'FRICK IM GONNA PISS'


  • Playing the piano
  • Slight mangaka


  • Sleeptalks occasionally
  • Wants to learn how to whistle
  • Burnt the stove once
  • When it is cold indoors, she tends to be wrapped in four blankets


Background: An only child with occupied parents, Sooyoung happened to be a bit alone. Although, video games did keep her company. Besides that, her grades were always terrible. She was too ashamed to tell her parents, ending up lying with a simple 'fine' to conceal the horrible grades. Her mother would try her best to spend time with her, but it was near impossible. Park JinRi, her mother, always had a busy schedule during the afternoon and would come home to a tired Sooyoung, dozing off with a Gameboy laying in her arms. And her father, Kim MinWoo, never bothered. He knew that it would be impossible to have a full conversation with his daughter, and he gave up trying.


Kim MinWoo|47|Bank CEO|Distant, hardworking

Park JinRi|Businesswoman|Caring, selfless

Best Friend:
 N/A; Sooyoung doesn't really have a 'best' friend. She rotates friend-group wise and likes to talk to everyone.

Friends: Jang Dongwoo|22|Idol|Good friends|Sooyoung was out running errands, and recognized a disgused man, Dongwoo. She shouted his name in excitment [she is a fan] and he ended up running to her, telling her to be quiet. The two started talking and became friends.


Rival: Choi "Zelo" Junhong|17|B.A.P|Sweet, nice, and dorky. An adorable person who is hilarious, 'perfect' in fangirls' eyes.|They're not really rival-rivals, but moreover she just kinda "hates" him and he likes to play around with her.

Biggest Secret: Wants to experience romance, but doesn't show it. (Therefore resulting her into being a tsundere.) read all definitions for a better understanding, please.


As Long as You Love Me

Former Love: N/A


Choi "Zelo" Junhong|17|Idol|listed above


How Did You Meet?/How Do You Want To Meet?: During trainee days, Sooyoung absolutely adored him to a point where she wanted to whack him with a shovel and burry him alive. One day, she was practicing her dancing, and he pointed out a small flaw. From then on, a love-hate friendship sprouted.

How Do You Treat Each Other?: Due to her feelings for him, Sooyoung will act cold and harsh to him at times. Other than that, she'll treat him neutral. Zelo likes to about small things, laughing when she sets on fire. Besides that, he treats her like a special friend.

Back up Crush:(Optional: Can be girl, ulzzang or fellow member) (Same as Idol/Ulzzang Crush)

How Did You Meet? :

How Do You Treat Each Other?crossesoutb/cwowikindadontwanttothinkabouthavingabackupcrush:c



How do you want your love story to unfold: As days pass, Zelo's teasing verbal remarks will turn more into teasing slight-intimate actions. He'll randomly hug her, hold her, and attempt to get close to her in a dorky way(but she ends up pushing him away in embarrassment). He soon confesses to her (it's not a regular confession, but more of a shout-like 'get to the point' which transitions to a 'insert long paragraph of words describing feels'. Nervously, Sooyoung will admit she likes him back.


Trainee Years: 4

How was your trainee life?: Rough and harsh. Sooyoung, being the lazy person she is, wouldn't really work /as/ hard as she longed to. Meaning that not much intonation and moves would be put forth. Soon enough, she learned from her mistakes and put extra work into everything. She would only receive a 2 hour average of sleep due

Pre-Debut Info: Past trainee at YG for 1 year

What Would You Like To Do On Your Own: Act

Stage Name: Kristan

Personal Fan Club Name: Rice Krispiesis it wrong i am laughing very hard at this


Postions : Maknae, Vocalist, Rapper

Back-up Positon : Lead Dancer, Visual

Other Back-up Positon : Main Dancer, Sub-rapper


Rap Twin Name - what i dont understand

Dancing  Twin Name - crap can you do this for me kinda confused

Singing Twin Name - apologies that i do not comprehend this part

Voice Twin Name -so sorry




Past scandels?: N/A

What scandels do you want to happen?: Sooyoung kicking Zelo in the shin while the two were out. but she did it lightly and it was natural b/c she's a tsun laughs


Comments/Song Suggestions: Making up song titles because it'd be original.

Anything else you want us to know about your character?: N/A

Scene/Plot Requests:

  • B.A.P performance with Sooyoung
  • Spends a whole day ignoring Zelo [out of shyness] but talks to everyone.

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