My opinion - SHINee

This is seriously so addicting to do! XD Hehe~! It's SHINee this time!! I've been moving forth and back towards SHINee and U-Kiss so I'm confused but I love both! ^^


Who's my bias?: Again, I'll have to pick from two, Onew and Key. Ah!! I love the both of them equally! But, but! Fine, if I have to choose it's Key?

What was the first MV you've ever watch?: This question.... I think it's Sherlock? I only became their ultimate fan girl this year. XD I didn't really paid attention to them before but oh how I regret that!! I think they gave me quite a big impression on the plot of Sherlock. It gives me goose bumps in the end. :P

Who I don't like and why?: N.O.N.E! I like all of them! Onew, Key, Jonghyun, Taemin and Minho! I love them!! They're so perfect! :D

Why do I like them: Hmm, to tell you the truth, I'm attracted to their voices and dance moves. Sure, their dance moves aren't as powerful as U-Kiss (well, at least to me) But, I find them very energetic when they dance. Especially Key ^^ Their voices are just asdfghjkl!! One of them totally shocked me with he change of voice from rapping to soft songs! Their personality are just lively and cute!! Hehe... They are all so lovable!

What do I think about each members: (I'm excited to type this.)

Onew: At first he was just an okay guy for me since I do find him cute sometimes but only sometimes. His voice was loud and refreshing to hear, it's quite special, well, at least I think so. I could have never sung like him! I soon grew to like him with his Onew style and sweet smile! When I saw SHINee's Wonderful day and he said that he felt a bit pressured for 1 or 2 years since he has to lead the others. I never really knew he had such worries, my love for him has just grown bigger and bigger! Also, his MC skills are just magnificent! XD Have you seen him in happy together? :3 I totally love his smile! It always makes me have butterfly in the stomache. XD He just makes you want to cuddle him! He also has this innocent aura around him that just makes you want to cuddle him up. I don't really know why but I have a feeling that if he likes a girl, he'll be the shy type. XD

Key: He didn't really appeal to me at first in Sherlock, but after seeing some variety shows and hearing him sing and rapping, while watching him dance girl dance and cool dances, I fell for him! The first time I start to like him was Makbanshi! I loved his attitude like crazy and laughed like crazy! Haha, yeah, so you can say,  discovered Shinee's personality by watching that show. His girl dances are just asdfghjlk!! He's just so diva-ish!! I kind of admire him for having the ability to do dances by just watching a few times, do you have photographic memory? XD I really, really love him like crazy especially when he goes in diva mode! Wait, I almost forgot to mention about his fashion, I didn't really take notice about it at first but later on, I start to notice that he stands out really alot in crowds, and the weird thing is that, how can he look nice in it?! I really liked it when he and IU sang love letter, his rapping skills are just EPIC! I also like the fact that out of everyone's voice, it's the easiest to figure which is his. :P

Taemin: My friend's bias is Taemin! I was actually curious so I search about him. XD Ahaha! I might seem like a player now. :P But actually, I like Taemin first, then Key and Onew. So yeah, he's probably one of the reasons I get to know Shinee. Thank you, Taemin! I'm still a fan of him, of course! I would also squeal when he seems cute and manly, have you seen him and IU performing together?! I love the both of them so my feels was like bursting! I find it impressing that he can dance really nice! He's so funny, people say he's funny because he's not funny and soon I find that very true. XD He has unexpectedly manly voice, Hmm, I thought his voice was a soft type. It was kind of funny knowing about the zipper thing! XD If he zips it, he'll be bad, if he it, he'll become the good Taemin again. I think he looks good as a girl. XXD

Jonghyun: He seems so manly. Just like I predicted, he's quite a bad boy type. :P Hehe, I find it nice that his voice is very easy to recognize, since it's quite special. I did mix his and Taemin's a few times, but it didn't take long to realize my mistakes. Ahahaha, have you seen him in Weekly Idol?! His personality is just so cool! He's probably the bad boy in the group, hehe... I have a thing for badboys. He's so lovable in Yunhanam! He's the bling-bling boy alright! XXD Oh gosh! If I had a date with him, I would bite my lips and clench my fists the whole time, holding in the urge to squeal! He's sure a playboy! I read some comments saying that if he and IU get married, their children would have golden voice, I cracked up and laughed a whole lot!! Hmm, although he doesn't seem like it, he's quite gentle. :) I find him being the second mature one after Minho. :D

Minho: Shinee's flaming charisma!! My first impression of him was that he was cold. I did not pay much attention on him and kind of ignored him. Sorry Minho! But! After seeing Hello Baby, I kind of find him nice! He's so kind with the baby!! XD Minho Appa! Have you seen Flower Boy Generation?! I had NO idea he was that y!! XD Hehehe... His y dance made me melt like CRAZY!! I had no idea I would melt just like this! Hahahaha, his gaze was also very cool! Ah~~! If you saw SHINee Yunhanam, you'll be sure to think he is one sweet guy!! I mean like, seriously! He treated the girl like a princess!! Oh gosh, I want a piggy-back ride too!! I am very amazed by the change of his voice from rapping to singing soft songs! Yeah, he's the one that I mentioned in the beggining! I mean, his voice was so firm and cool while rapping, but when he sings soft songs, I'm shocked that it was his voice. XXD But, I find myself impressed by that fact. Anyways, he doesn't get much love! Well, at least it's like that to me. But anyways, out of everyone in the group, you can't deny the fact that he's the mature one.

Woah, I think I really babble alot here. I mean, I can't help it! I was impressed by them every day!! I think I like SHINee more? Oh well! Either ways, I'm a shawol and a kissme! :D

Japanese: (Just click on the tittles)

Crazy Seesaw

Always Love

Korean: (Just click on the Tittles)









Up and Down

Extras!: (Just click on it!)

Amigo Rock Version

SHINee messages to their future wives

SHINee y dance (Watch 2:03-3:20 and 3:38-4:35 if you want to make it fast)





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