Am I a B*tch? o.O

So lately, I've been feeling like I'm being a real b*tch to everyone. o.O


Like not here, but mostly at school/home blah blah blah.


So I have this...problem, not really a problem, but IT IS A PROBLEM TO ME.

So people keep on saying stuff to me something a long the line of "you're so short" "you're so tiny" "I've never notice how tiny you are" and all that crap. Like not in a fun/teasing way. But seriously, it's not funny anymore.


I mean. yeah, I'm short! Yes, I know that. Why the h3ll do you have to state the obvious??


I mean, I WAS ONCE TALL TOO YOU KNOW!! ....until the time I stopped growing!

But when get into an argument with this kid, he's a grade younger than I am and he freaking called me a midget...

So I totally cussed him out :]

please, you DO NOT make fun of my height and if he call me a midget one more time, he BETTER be sleeping with one eye open! I'm gonna send Flaming Charisma to kick his !!

so yah~ besides from my height problem, my life is pretty close to perfect. I'm haappy!! he he :PP


this is pretty much my stupid ranting over my stupid height but ya lol

what am I even talking about? ? PSSSSSSSSSSHHH! I'M AN ANGEL :PPP


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Omgg i was literallyy laughing while readin ur post haha ur funny!!!! But girl i feel you! Im short too and everyone keeps ranting about how short i am, damn people need to mind their own business sometimes.
Btw im 4'11 yeaah im short but hella proud
Literally the same thing happens to me. A little flaming charisma would definitely scare him^^ gif at the end of your post is hilarious.

Your posts contain the best gifs btw
LOL the gif at the end XDDD

I have the same problem, I´m only 1,53 but my friends love me how I am x,D
You don´t have to get angry, just laugh :3
Why do you care so much about height?
I like to be short because we´re cute e___é
no you're not a b*tch! Now I actually feel bad for my friend I always joke about her height but I never mean in a bad way and she knows it, and the funny thing is I'm not really tall I'm normal for my age xP I call her a smurf x_x
But back to you, it's ok to be a b*tch if it bothers you! You should tell them to shut the f*** up! And they will. Trust me I've done it before XD
HanKeLaMaHan #5
well u are better than me cause the person who called me a midget was shorter than AND 3yrs older than me.
i punched and cussed him out.i had a few bruises here and there and he also had a few bruises.
the second time i punched someone was because he spread rumours bout my friend just because he hates me so he had a black eye and a busted lip.

i am a girl for those who don't know me and a tomboy also
No, you're the opposite of that, I was in the same situation as you, except someone SHORTER than me called me a midget, not cool. I would've grabbed that persons face and slam it against the wall, but you just cussed him out, haha, I respect that.
lol :PP
ahaha ~! you did right !
no no no ~! you're not a ____ :PP xDD
I would do the same if i were you ;)
lol xDD
I'm shorter compared to the rest of the kids in my school, and they always tell me how short I am T_T. So in my opinion, you are not even close to being a b*tch.
I know how you feel. I'm always teased about my height. The kids in my school (except for the 6th graders they're really tiny this year xD) are in the 5 feet zone. AND I'M HERE FACKING STUCK AT 4'11" IT'S LIKE MY BODY WANTS ME TO STAY FRUSTRATED ASDFGHJKL;
yeah =.=
ahaahh i have my incompletes too!! even though im not short i have others thing haha, you dont seem like a ____ though..OBVS