you can call this a rant if you want :p


*This thing is going everywhere xD
Okay, so today was Valentines Day, right? Well, if you guys did not know, my friend Mackenzie, who I talk about almost everyday cause she's in my P.E class and all, likes Jeret! Like whoaaa thereeee, you said you were over him like a month ago! 
And like yesterday I was joking and I was like, "I like him more!" and like she turned around and she was like "You !" like wtf ._. She acts like she knows him way better than I do or something. Okay, I'm talking like we're dating or some shiz XD
Anywaysssss, so I was just joking and stuff but she took it seriously and yeah. I don't want to hate a friend and like ruin our friendship because of one dude but she needs to calm down. I mean, now she's all over him. She's always looking at him and now she acts like a really really protective/stalker-ish girlfriend or something! 
And at recess today, she was like "Hey! Let's walk that way!" and she pointed to the way where the basketball courts were, which was were Jeret was playing basketball and I was like "No, bro. We're not gonna go stalk your little crush!" and I was teasing her and I was like "Oooohhh, you want to check out Jeret or something? ;D" 
And the other day, she said she was gonna where a dress on Valentines Day which is today but she didn't. And like she curled her hair today and she was saying how messed up it was cause her sister curled it for her and blah blah blah. And I was like "Are you trying to impress someone?" And like she said no but her face had a yes all over it. 
The other day, she was like talking about how she wants blah blah blah for Valentines Day and she was talking a bit about Jeret and it sounded like she was expecting something from him. Like he's gonna ask her out or something. 
I mean, he doesn't even know her! Not even her name! I mean, I think he might know her name cause I call her like all the time but still. Like when Jeret called my name I was like "Whoa there, how did you learn my name?" cause we don't even talk that much and out of the blue he just knows my name! xD Unless Francisco talks about me outside of P.E ahaha, nahhh. But yeah, he doesn't even know Mackenzie. 
I remember a time where we were playing prison ball and Jeret was like right in front of me and Mackenzie was right next to me and a ball rolled towards her and she picked up it and she was like "Jeret!" And he turned around and she gave him the ball. And all he said was "Oh my gosh, you're awesome!" And then he ran away x) 
And remember that one day where he was cheering for me? Like she was standing right next to me when he was right in front of me and stuff and after it was over, we sat down and she was like, "What was that? He just came up to you!" And I laughed (and was still red as a tomato .-.) and like her face looked like she was jelly or something.
I mean, she was one of the first people in my gym class to know I like him and I don't really think she was listening at that time. Now, I'm not really saying "OH, He's mine! You should back off!" blah blah blah cause he's probably never gonna be mine and shiz but Mackenzie is acting like she's saying those stuff! 
She curled her hair for him and did some other stuff...
And like when he picked me to be on his team, she signaled me to tell Jeret to let her (and Jaiden) to be on his team too but there was enough people on our team so they couldn't join.
But yeah, this wasn't really a rant... it was just like idk... storytime xD
Well, I haven't update you guys with school alllll week! It's been a really really busy week for me... maybe I'll go back to updating after this week :)
Well, have an awesome evening loves! Byeee! xxx


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woah you know someone named jeret too? I used to think that there was only one jeret cause the name is so uncommon XD