Okay guys, I need major help.

I was about to go to the bathroom when I heard meowing at my front door.

I wanted to see if I just had kittens on the brain, or there was an actual cat there.

There was a cat!!!!!!!

He/she walked in my house like she/he owned the place.

And walked through every room.

I really needed to pee so I put him/her in my computer room and closed the door.


She/he started meowing like cray and I had to open the door and make sure she/he hasn't hurt themself.

I already feel emotionally attached. 

I mean, how could I not?

She/he walked in while I was on the toilet.

At first I was like, I need to find some food.

Then I was like: Mom may not like this so I should take him/her back outside.

(I'm writing this while he/she grooms her/himself)

I took him/her back outside and you know what he/she did?

Walk right back in.

So, I tried to see if we had stereotypical cat foods,

But we don't.

So I started randomly calling him/her Key, because she/he doesn't listen to me at all.

And she walked onto my kitchen table,

And ate the rest of the chicken, and brisket my sister had left.

Sorry Shay. xD

Went to the Key Cause.

I gave him/her some milk.

*finally gets to real time*

So here we are. 

She/he is still her/himself.

I need assistance,

I don't have bad allergies,

But sometimes they get bad around pets.

Awwh, Key-goon is done!

She/he is just sitting and watching.

The reason why I keep saying she/he/him/her is because we just met.

I don't wanna be lifting legs and what not yet.



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Okay this explains the other post. Lol.
I like the name you chose. That's cute. I want a cat now too..
that is so cool omg maybe you should keep her but shave her/his hair down a bit? NOT COMPLETELY OF COURSE! but maybe just so he/she doesn't leave her/his hair everywhere and upset your allergies?
Haha omg Key is just awesome! I love that little genderblender already! xD What color is he/she?
Lift his/ her legs and check dude! If its a girl.. Mail it to me