So Much Bias and Shipper Glory!

It happened. It finally happened. Legit interaction between Amber and Jungshin. Now all I need is a selca and a fully formed friendship complete with hanging out backstage.

My biases and ships have been pretty damn awesome lately.

Amber’s an MC on Show Champion, a music show that I don’t really watch, but I’ve seen a couple of her clips from it. She’s doing really well! Reading and speaking Korean like a llama boss. Jungshin is doing AMAZING in his drama. That boy can act, enough said. And Seohyun is being her, looking beautiful, staying intelligent, and touring in Japan right now. I’ve watched all of her variety shows from the past two months as well.

Can I also just reiterate that CNBlue is killing the music scene with so much awesomeness right now?! I just found out they got sued from some other band/group, but it was Mnet’s fault, and honestly, it annoys the crap out of me. I feel like whenever they’re experiencing success, suddenly some group comes out of the woodwork trying to ruin it. Why would the group sue CNBlue when the station released the DVD of the performance and not CNBlue? Is it easier to go after the band rather than the station that broadcasted the performance and sold it for profit, (and forced CNBlue to play it)? I just hope that this blows over quickly and that CNBlue can go back to not worrying about stupid things like that. I think they get more attacked because they’re an actual band, and band music is not popular in S.K. It always seems like a pride thing with these lesser known groups, indie bands, older bands. But ANYWAY…

So much Yongseo has been happening. And not just Music Bank. Gaon Chart Kpop Music Awards, I’m looking at you.

I’m saying this as a Boice, a Seomate, and a Goguma, but when they cut to Seohyun during Yonghwa’s winning speech, I laughed my off. And not for the reasons you think lol.

If WGM was still filming, I could totally understand it. But it’s not. It hasn’t been for awhile.

It was a glorious moment no doubt, but the mere fact that the cameraman/KBS thought it was important to cut to her during Yonghwa’s speech blows my mind. Like, what exactly are they trying to say? Seohyun’s in love and proud of her man??

What’s even funnier is that was exactly the look she had on her face, then she got caught. Everyone said her little smile was embarrassment for getting caught, but it looked more like she was saying “Are you guys seriously filming me right now?” ‘Cause let’s be honest, it was absurd.

Let me clarify this. Although I’m a Goguma, I do not believe that Seohyun and Yonghwa are dating. Do I wish they were? Um, hell yes. BUT Seohyun seems too sensible to get herself involved in a scandal, and although Yonghwa doesn’t strike me as a person who cares about getting caught, there’s no way he’s going to get involved in something that might hurt his band or his dream. Yonghwa is dead set on conquering the universe with CNBlue’s music right now. He’s not going to throw it away for a girl he barely gets to see.

HOWEVER, I do believe that they have real, lingering feelings for each other and that they are close, proper friends. Seohyun has confirmed this (closeness) to the media on at least 3 different occasions. Yonghwa has never once doubted any feelings between him and Seohyun, whereas he’s had to deny dating rumors constantly with someone else. I truly believe that they text message frequently, call/skype often, and have secret outings, others included. GG and CNBlue were super friendly to each other and acting buddy-buddy, which striked me as odd since they haven’t had much interaction media-wise.  Seohyun and Yonghwa care about one another. They support one another.  Who the hell knows what might happen in the future.

But, really? Really, KBS?

I’m sure Seohyun told Yonghwa what happened and they laughed about it and proceeded to have awkward . I just kind of want these moments to continue throughout the year :)

Now all I need is so new Henber interaction. Not like that picture Amber posted on twitter of Henry sleeping cutely in her bed was enough or anything. Not at all….

And now, I start my [crazy, busy, hectic, tiring] day.


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i agree with you. as much as it would make me happy if yong is really dating hyun, i feel that they are not. however, my delusional mind and rational mind are continuously fighting. kekeke hopefully, these YS moments would last for the whole 2013. God bless you! and i am waiting for your update story!