Hokkaido Trip! Sapporo Snow Festival~


EDIT: Oh man, I totally forgot! Happy Valentines Day everyone! :DD

Okay, the only reason I'm making these blog posts is because a few of you guys said that you wanted to see some pictures :) I got back from Hokkaido 2 days ago! It was really fun and a bit strange to think that within a 1.5 hour plane ride, we could be on another island of Japan and so far away! It didn't really feel like we were there...but at the same time, it did?

Day 1:
We flew out of Tokyo at 5 at night, and landed in Sapporo around 6:45. We dropped our stuff off at the hotel and then decided to go see the Susukino site of the festival and see all the ice sculptures.


After that we went for dinner before going back to our hotel for a drinking party/watching whatever weird variety shows were on TV at that point. We decided to go for miso ramen and butter corn ramen (this sounds gross, but is SO delicious!), 2 things that Hokkaido is famous for!


Day 2:
We started out visiting the small shrine by our hotel, and then we made our way to the second site of the festival, Odori Park, which has all of the snow sculptures and food stalls! (There was also this great bit of 'Engrish' on the vending machine at the shrine).


After we went to a chocolate cookie factory known for making cookies called 白い恋人 Shiroi Koibito, or white lovers. It gets it's name (I assume) from the fact that it's vanilla cookies with white chocolate inside. It's SO good! We went on a little tour before we got to make our own cookies! After the factory we had a late lunch of soup curry, another food that Hokkaido is famous for. Then we wandered around shopping for a while before finally having dinner late at night - once again we ate something which Hokkaido is famous for: Genghis Khan! It's lamb and vegetables cooked on a hot dish that is supposed to look like a helmet. It was sooooooo good! <3


Day 3:
Can you believe there's more? :P The next day we went to the third and final site of the snow festival: the Tsudome Site! It's known for having these HUGE snow/ice slides! We ate lunch there (I got chicken ramen with chicken wontons - again, so delicious! [I'm allergic to pork, which unfortunately most Tokyo ramen is made with pork soup and pork, so I ate all the miso and other flavoured ramen in Sapporo that I could]), and then after lunch we went to a city on the coast called Otaru, famous for it's seafood and canal. While there we stayed for the Snow Light Path Festival, which is where they place candles in snow sculptures and have lights in rows across the canal, and we also had fresh sushi/sea food!


We didn't do much this day since we were flying back to Tokyo. We checked out of the hotel, left our luggage in coin lockers in Sapporo station and went shopping for a bit. We then decided that it was practically LAW that you had to have Sapporo beer while in Sapporo...which led to us drinking beer at 12 noon OTL >.< Oh well~ We also wanted butter corn ramen for one last time, so we got that again. This time I had it with soy sauce based soup. And while wandering around, we found a dessert store and had sundaes for dessert. 


And that's it! Oh, I got a cute little cellphone charm as a souvenir from the festival!

Anyway, now I'm off to Seoul, Korea on February 16th! Haha and I'll probably make another blog post with pictures and CD/Infinite merch purchases from that trip! :D Hope you guys enjoyed this post! :D


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-Mieun- #1
Looks like a lot of fun~ Have a nice trip to Korea as well! :)
Alheechy #2
;A; e_e this make sooo jealous~ asdfdg and what a great pictures you have!;w; by the way ~ I'm SO hungry and It's your fault(?)wdasfdfsadfg good luck when you'll go to korea bring us a lot of picture right here ;~;/ take care!~
OMG ;________; this really did make me hangry and/or jealous.


Happy Valentine's Day!