Something No One Wants to Admit.

Hello~~ So I made a statement to a friend the other day, and I think it may have been taken the wrong way.

She had mentioned in her blog about Lim Yoon Taek-shi had passed away. I for one was really upset that he in fact did pass away he was battling cancer and it finally won. He left behind a daughter who wasn't even a year old and a wife he just married last year. I was horribly sadden by this.
I made this statement.

It was so sad, I bawled. I hate it so much, so many people hate being alive and kill themselves. Yet he fought so hard to believe alive...
I hope his wife and daughter are dealing okay."

She replied back with she doesn't judge those people, and I never realized how judgmental my statement was.

So let me say something, I once a couple years back tried to kill myself. I tried something, but some divine thing intervened and I was okay.  I was in a horrible spot in my life, I was very depressed. So I wasn't meaning it the way it come across, I was simply meaning it broke my heart knowing he fought with ever ounce of his life to say alive, and it makes me sad that people kill themselves. I want people to treasure their life, I want everyone in this world to smile. I know that is just a dream and that will never happen, but one could hope right.

I would love to believe that one day, depression can be dealt with and not frowned upon. I have depression, I deal with it all the time and some days it truly gets the best of me BUT I fight, I fight like hell to stay positive.


Suicide is truly something that is not dealt with right, and not handle at all. I hope one day we won't have to hear about it, even more so in other foreign countries. I live in the USA, and we of course have people kill themselves BUT not on the level of foreign countries. It always breaks my heart to be apart of our lovely KPOP fandom, because it seems a couple times a year we always hear about someone ending their life.

maybe it is just me but I wish I could just help them... I wish I could help anyone who is dealing with that.




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