What a beautiful dream...


I dreamt about them.

YES! I freaking dreamt about them!


I even got to hug HimChannie & Aronnie.

Telling them to take care and get well soon.


Somebody kill me!

The dream seemed so real, so real that I can even feel their warmth and hear their voices.

In the end, I woke up and it's just my bolster. =(


I really hope they'll get well soon. I don't like anyone to be injured. It's just sad and we can't do anything but to just give them moral support.


뉴이스트 화이팅! 비에피 화이팅!


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I dream about my biases a lot. <3
Last night I drempt that NU'EST was stuck i a burning building.
And I couldn't save them.
I woke up screaming. ._.