Infinite Sasaeng Fans

Infinite's sasaeng fans! 

Post 1 : A Korean Inspirit posted on her korean blog about how there is this sasaeng fan who entered Infinite’s dorm. Infinite can’t sleep because she is entering and hitting and pinching them.

She pinches them so she can have a part of their skin, and she hits them so that she can know for herself that she actually hit them.

I know this doesn’t make any sense to any of you, but this is what her mind is like…

This is crazy; this is ubsurd…

I'm getting sick and tired of these ing saesang fans leave infinite along you ing !



Post 2 : There is a sasaeng fan of Sungyeol that knows his phone number. Whenever he scores a high score on a cell phone game, she texts him saying "You got a new high score? Good job!".....Think of how scared Sungyeol may be right now.

She also stole one of his sweaters and posted it on her twitter,

but Inspirits found her out and now she deleted her account.


cr: tumblr & infinite's fan page



»  I am enough with sasaeng fans! They are being wayy too over! I mean, idols need privacy too! I am scared that something bad will happen to Infinite. 
I know, they just want to show their 'love'. Dude, that's not the freaking right way! Breaking into people's house? Hitting them? That's so not cool, bro. I'm telling you, doing that won't make Infinite loves/ appreciate you. Stop hurting them, please? Give them some break and privacy. You are giving them phobia okay? They can't sleep because of that, dude. Please. Respect them. They are not robots. They are human too. They want to live like us too. Please understand their feelings. 






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JoannTran14 #1
omo poor Sunyeol oppa
You make some fair points in here kid. c:
/ex luhan
like seriously DD<
that's just way too overboard .__. poor infinite D;
they should put that ____ in jail .__.
What in the world are they thinking ? If they're thinking it's "love" , it's not ! It's an obssesion . Stalking your idol should be a crime !
Man... That's just plain crazy and scary.
I hope the boys will be able to sleep well and not get too tired for their activities:(