
I wanna talk to somebody lol

-shoots self- 

I never get on though so I'm like nonexistant here

I'm a horrible person. 

But on a happier note (yeah right) I'm sick to I got to miss my Chem test! :D

-gets bricked by my chem teacher-

But, I actually have some not so good news that well most people probably don't care about cause I am so nonexistant here. 

I might be taking a very...very long extended leave from AFF because of not being able to come on and also I feel lonely to be comepletely honest all the people I started off being really good friends with have gone poof and then I'm not on long enough to make new friends and talk to some of the people that I talk to every now and then. (otl is is just me or do I sound like a looking for a pitty party) I'm not sad about taking this extended leave... (okay maybe that's a lie) but I have a job now...well two actually (ewww) and I need to focus more on getting through school I have a goddamned 3.933333333333333 GPA D:< It should be a four but I ed up last semester (just ignore me ing about school. I'm one of those crazy peeps obsessed with my grades) But, when/if I leave or suddenly put my profile status ans unactive user don't be sads (if you care) I shall be back in due time and I'll probably pop on occasionally to update (or start) a new story (which I'm writing something right now but I don't know if I wanna get it published yet or put it up here -indecisive) But I love everyone here! 

So, I'm still debating on what to do but yeah goodbye for now! Here's a pic of my beautiful face :3 (sorry that it's so big I din't know how to make it smaller D; -a failure- ) 




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