He must be this- oh wait, that way!


1. Does he need to be good-looking? Not necessary, because I think all guys are handsome, honestly. 
2. Smart? No need to be THAT kind of smart, at least smart on things I don't. Well, at least he knows the multiplication table - I declare him smart already ^^
3. Preferred Age? Honestly, no preference here. He can be older - that will be lovely and he can also be younger - which also be very lovely. But I currently have 2 stalkers, which is younger than me...
4. Preferred height? No guys on Earth is shorter than me XD
5. How about sense of humor? That's the best! And even some erted jokes - I hated that but secretly enjoying it, keke
6. How about piercings? Sorry, but maybe a no-no for this.
7. Accepts you for who you are? This is a must. Really.
8. Pink hair? A wig? Just let me - the only one who see it - okay? Okay?
9. Mushy or no? Just in the middle~
10. Thin or fat? Keke, I'm kinda attracted to chubby guys because I found them very cute. But my friends told me I liked that because I'm small...
11. Asian, black or caucasian? Doesn't matter, as long he CAN speak English <3
12. Long hair or short hair? Short hair! And even bald goes in.
13. Plastic or metal? PASSEU~ *halfhalfahhahah*
14. Smells good? As long as he doesn't smell like sweat, oue
15. Smoker? I don't mind about this, but I will tell him to stop. For the sake of his health.
16. Drinker? No, this is a no-no. 
17. Boy-next-door type? Maybe not, I like talkative and social guys~
18. Musically inclined? Ahem.
19. Plays piano? Maybe, but I like guys who plays drum more.
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar? Drum. Just drum :)
21. Plays violin? Drumming~ DDUNDDUNDDUN
22. Sings very good? Honestly, NO for this. So that I could laugh so hard hearing his broken voice XD (I'm mean, really)
23. Vain? Whoa, well...
24. With glasses? I'm fine with it! Even I wear glasses :DD
25. With braces? Sorry, but no. Why bother straighten your teeth? Unstraight teeth is cute, honestly.
26. Shy type? NO, he needs to be SOOOOO, well, not shy.
27. Rebel or good boy? A rebel, this is good.
28. Active or passive? Active! <3
29. tight or bomb???? Just don't feel like answering this.
30. Singer or dancer? A dancer, maybe. We can hug each other when dancing~ /spazzing
31. Snob? Ahem. Again.
32. Hiphop? That's awesome! Even kkap works the best, or a failed one XD
33. Earrings? A no.
35. Torpe? I don't want to open new tab and search this word on Google, blame laziness for conquering me.
36. Mr. Count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop? That's not nice...
37. Dimples? Doesn't have to, as long as his smile his honest, anything can go~
38. Bookworm? Maybe not. I want him to be a stalker and interrupts me while reading a book, and nags around. Keke
39. Mr. Love letter? A troll one, yes.
40. Childish? Of course! <3
41. FlirtJust me, okay, darling? Okay?
42. Poem writer? Maybe not. His life needs to be trolled, and writing is not him. :)
43. Serious? When the time comes~
44. Campus crush? Maybe not.
45. Painter? No. He must not be an artistic person XD
46. Religious? Normal, yes. He's a human, okay?
47. Aggressive? Everytime, yes. Whenever. I like aggresive guys.
48. Computer games geek? Or internet freak? Computer games, maybe? Because I'm not good in that, keke
 49. Speaks 20 languages? That'll be hilarious, because I'm imagining if he might messed up the words and talk nonsense XD
                                                   But honestly, no thank you. :)
50. Loyal or faithful? Switch the 'or' to 'and', will you? c:

Doing this while waiting for my hair to dry~ 





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can i steal this? :D