₩εł¢☺мε ⊥◎ Ħ◎⊥ℯℓ ℉øя⊥üᾔα℮ {Choi Minhee}



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{Sorry I'm rather inexperienced with pictures so they appear all in 1 line...OTL D;}


Welcome To Villa Fortunae



How May Help You?


Username: BabyCBang


Profile Link: here!:D


Activeness: 8.5


Nickname: Sanday



I Need Your Particulars.


Name: Choi Minhee


Age: 21 years old(korean age),20 years old(international age)


Ethnicity: Korean


Any Nickname(s): Minmin by her family because her younger brother started calling her that one day to irritate her and from then on,her whole family including her parents started calling her that.
Ice Princess by her schoolmates because she never did like to socalise with people unless necessary and most of the times,had a poker face on.(This doesn't mean she isn't sociable,she can be but she doesn't bother trying unless she wants to.)


Birthday: April 10


Place OBirth: Busan,Korea.


Where I Grew Up: Was born in Busan,Korea.Moved to Hongdae,Korea when she was 17 years old with her family and have been staying there since.


Languages: English,Korean and Japanese.She knows basic chinese as well.(She is always trying to learn more lanugages so she can converse with the different guests.)



Why Thank YouBeautiful Receptionist.


Ulzzang Name: Park Sora


Pics: A W E S O M E 


Backup Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji


Pics: F A N T A S Y 


You'll Catch MIThat Not That: 


Height: 168cm


Weight: 52kg



HunWho IThe Name Of Krisus Are You?!


How Can I Be OService TYou: 
Minhee is always polite and can be seen smiling whenever she is assisting VIPs.She knows she should never go against them so even if she has to decline or refuse them of something she would always put on a smile and kindly try to persaude them otherwise.With her pretty face and  her way with words,VIPs most of the time always give in,in the end.However,if a VIP gets too overboard,she loses her posture a little.
The case is slightly different when it's with people who got in lucky because of a lucky draw or perhaps a gameshow,Minhee will still smile slightly and be polite but she doesn't bother associating with them much unless answering the necessary and needed questions.After all,they got in lucky,why should she give them special treatment?
God, Those Guests:
Minhee has always been much of a loner because she likes the silence when she's alone.Nothing's better than being in a quiet cafe during a rainy day,sitting near the window and writing or reading her favourite poetry.
With her family,she acts mature and tries to be independant because she doesn't wishes to reply on anyone.This causes a worry for her family who feels that she should relax at least when she's home because she's so uptight.
Minhee doesn't really have close friends but she does have one friend,Lee Jinhwa,who she confides in from time to time.Jinhwa is the closest to her and she would relax the most around her.(But she can still be tense at times)She treats Jinhwa as her sister and would pour out her worries and frustrations when she can't bottle it up anymore.She doesn't tell her ALL of her worries cause she doesn't want to bother Jinhwa although the latter has always reassured her otherwise.


I Can't Work With You: 
If it's someone important like a VIP,she would try to tolerate it for the first few times.When it gets too much,she cannot help saying sharp and snide remarks back.She also starts to frown alot and glare.


This Is Love, Hun: 

Minhee starts to blush alot and smiles very often even just by glancing at him or reading his messages.She remembers every detail about him,like his clothes' size,his favourite color and even something that he casually remarked he liked in a conversation.She wants to be there for him even during the bad times and would answer his call even if it was 3am in the morning.She also gets jealous easily but she would refuse it when asked but her unconscious pouts would give her away.

*Minhee has never had a crush or fell in love with someone.This is how she would be like,if she did.


What Are Her Worst Attributes: 
  • Doesn't know how to relax
  • Overworking herself to the point that she neglects her health
  • Bottling up her feelings
  • Being picky with certain food
  • Being too straightforward


What Are Her Best Attributes: 

  • Showing excellence in her work
  • Independant
  • Her smooth way of persuading people
  • Writing amazing poetry
  • She can make delicious hot chocolate.More delicious than any you've tried so far.
What Are Her Insecurities: 
  • Never being good enough
  • Bothering her loved ones with her problems
  • Being ugly.Despite numerous people complimenting her on her looks
  • Relying on people too much
  • Her loved ones hating her
  • People who she cares about leaving her


What Are Her Phobias/Fears: She's scared of clowns because of their big fake smiles while she feels that they're hiding evil motives.(According to a movie she watched when she's young.)However she knows that she's becoming one of them and or maybe has already became one.




THate ONot THate. That IThe Question.
  • Mango.It's her favorite fruit ever.
  • Squid.Some people think it's disgusting but she loves eating it.
  • Chicken
  • Being with people she loves,although she doesn't show it
  • Writing Poetry
  • Reading beautiful poetry.
  • Coffee.She has an addiction to it because it keeps her awake and fresh.
  • Quiet cafes because she can just relax and have a cup of coffee while reading poetry.
  • Rainy days.It's just so cooling and quiet.


  • Having a bad hair day.Which girl doesn't?
  • People who look down on her
  • Pickles and Tomatoes.She just hates the tastes.
  • People who are too reliant and incapable 
  • Bright pink.It just hurt her eyes and she dislikes it.



  • The 21st century's ''music''.She considers it as rubbish and has no idea why people especially fangirls are so crazy over it.
  • Clubbing.She thinks its disgusting how people want to go in and grind bodies with loud music accompanying at the back.
  • Smoking/smokers.She cannot stand the smell.
  • People who judge her just by her looks and behaviour.They automatically assume her as a proud pretty girl who can have whatever she wants.
  • People who try to interfere with her order of life.

Favorites (Favourites): Sky BlueSo I Married An Axe Murderer,Dead Poets Society,Dear John | Mango,Chicken,Squid | Writing/Reading poetry | - She doesn't watch TV much. | The Beatles.The only band she is remotely okay with in the 21st century is Busker Busker | -She doesn't like to waste her time reading comics- | Memoirs of a geisha,Pride & Prejudice,Anything written by Shakespeare



I'Like That Sometimes And I Like TDThat Sometimes.


  • Biting her lips when she feels hurt or furious.Sometimes when the feeling overwhelms her and she unconsciously bites too hard,resulting in blood.
  • Humming a little tune when she's happy or making hot chocolate.
  • Wears spectacles sometime when she's reading/writing
  • Smiles unconsciously when she's reading a good piece of poetry
  • Tends to let out her feelings of what she feels about the 21st century's music.This has made her become very unpopular when she was in school.
  • If she doesn't like someone,she shows it very obviously.
  • Purses her lips when she's focusing on something.


  • Reading/writing poetry
  • Shopping online
  • Knitting and sewing.She has already completed numerous pieces for her family and Jinhwa.
  • Watching Shakespeare's movie on repeat when she's free.
  • Cooking for people she cares about like her family and Jinhwa.


  • Won numerous poetry contests before.
  • Learnt magic once because her younger brother pleaded her to show him when he was 10.
  • Loves her younger brother and would protect him no matter what.
  • Takes a long time to eat because she loves to savour her food
  • Apart from coffee,ice water is the drink she drinks the most because it's refreshing.
  • Has hidden joke-books that no one knows about.


What Does She DTCheer Herself Up: 
  • Read up on inspirational quotes
  • Running on her threadmill
  • Bury herself in work
  • Sleep.Because it makes her forget her worries for a while.
What Makes Her Upset:
  • Certain remarks.Although she doesn't show it,she does have feelings like everyone else.
  • Feeling useless
  • When someone she cares about,forgets about her.
  • Putting in so much effort when it results to nothing
  • Creating trouble for her parents.


What Makes Her Happy: 
  • When someone compliments her poetry.
  • When she feels like someone truly cares about her
  • When someone makes her feel needed and not unwanted.
  • Jokes.She doesn't show it anyone but she has a secret.She has many joke books hidden that she reads from time to time that makes her laugh.


What Makes Her Angry: 
  • People who test her limits on purpose.
  • People irritating her when she's doing something related to poetry.
  • Being taken lightly
  • Gender discrimination.Whatever guys can do,girls can as well.
  • Difficult people


What Makes Her Sob: 
  • Sad stories.(fiction and non-fiction)
  • When she's too stressed,she cries in her room alone because she doesn't want anyone to find out.
  • When her loved ones are in pain,she is as well.She would do anything to help them
  • Not being good enough in every aspect.(In her opinion)
  • When she feels extremely sorry or/and guilty.






Don't Say M{Real} Name!


DYou Want To BAddressed BYour Nickname Permanantly? No {I think I rather her be called by her real name :))
ISo, Which One And Why: -


And You're Applying For...


What Position Do You Want: The Poetic Waitress


Why: She's there because her parents told her she should try being more sociable.Minhee thinks that by being a waitress,at least it'll make them happy because she's talking to more people in some way.It also serves as a source of income for her so she doesn't mind.She doesn't particularly have a love for it. 

What Time OThe Day: Morning Shift


Which Room Number: 1



I'A Pretty Darn Bright Kid...ONot...


Education: Hongik University
Why Didn'You Continue Your Education: -


If You Continued, What'Your Major: Language.
Why: Minhee thinks that language is a beautiful thing.With just a few words,twisted here and there.The end result is a beautiful piece of poetry.
She thinks that by being a waitress,she can make good use of this.She can converse with people from different countries while working at the same time.It's like a win-win situation.


Future Job: Poet.She knows it's impossible and the income is low but she would like to try someday.


Why: Her love and passion for beautiful poetry.She wants to be remembered for her poetry.



Family IEverything, Girl.


Family Members: 


Choi Jisuk | 47 | Father | She is rather distant with her father since when she was young,her father was a workaholic.


Choi Minah | 46 | Mother | She's the closest to her mother and used to tell her secrets when she was young.She adores her mother's cooking and feels that she should even open a restaurant for her.


Choi Yuhyuk | 17 | Younger Brother | Minhee is rather protective of her brother and cares about him alot.He would always joke around with her saying that if she's too overprotective like this,he could never get married. 


Born This Way Babe: When Minhee was 17,her father's job made them move to Hongdae and live there.She has a normal family with a doting mother,fierce yet loving father and her adorable litte brother.


Tell MAll About Your Life: Minhee has lead a normal life despite the moving because she did not made many friends so she didn't feel the difference when they moved.She goes to Hongik university as it was convenient when they moved to Hongdae and she pays for her own fees despite her parents wanting to pay them for her.



My Tough Road Here.


How Did You Come Across The Poster: When she discovered a small quiet cafe before she moved to Hongdae,she saw a poster pasted on the wall near the window seat and curiosity got her.After discussion with her family,she decided to try it out. 


Why This Hotel/Job: The hotel seemed extravangent and the pay was good so she treated it as a source of income for her while she's studying at the university.



I Got This Crush OThis Celeb.


He'My Celeb: Bang Yongguk


But He'So: On television,he seems tough and manly.Off television,he still is but he's toned down quite abit as he is quite the quiet type and spends his time writing music instead of exercising like the television portrays.
And I Can'Believe I Met Him: She met him when he ordered at the Crash Cafe.She did not know he was a celebrity and her colleagues were squealing and fighting to see who could serve him.The manager was irritated by it and appointed her to serve him as she was the only one who was unconcerned.Minhee was a little annoyed by the commotion he caused but went to serve him as appointed. 
But AGot TKnow Him: Minhee started having feelings she didn't understand and she began to feel that this century's music wasn't that bad after all.She's clueless about her love for a while.
Here's MFantasy: 
  • Yongguk pampering her and she discovers the feeling of being pampered for the first time and manages to finally relax with him.
  • The two of them going to the beach and having fun together with a picnic basket prepared by her.
  • Yongguk forgetting their date and her waiting for numerous hours at the chosen spot.She even got caught in the rain but still waited there for him.After it got really late,she decided to go over to his house and discovered he was with another girl.

[Sorry for my odd requests,they are just suggestions ;D.I kinda like some angst though...yeah :P]



Best Friends Forever


Acquaintances: {People whom you've met before but are't that close to and you can add more if you'd like but at least three.}


Lee Minho | 25 | Actor | He was staying at the hotel and Minhee served his table | He was a man with few words,unlike portrayed on television.But he was friendly and smiled,acting like a regular customer instead of being cocky for being an actor.He also seemed to have a sweet-tooth as he ordered different cakes and tarts.He was alone at that point of them and looked like he enjoyed it.Minhee assumed that it was his relaxing period in the midst of all the things that came along with being popular. | Customer and guest
Hwan Taemin | 19 | Receptionist |  Introduced on his first day at the hotel |  Taemin is very bright and cheerful,reminding her of his own brother.She instantly liked him.However they did not manage to converse much as they were both working in the morning shift and did not meet each other that much. | Colleagues

Yoo Hamin | 20 | Student | Project partner for an assignment at school | He was really noisy and lazy that Minhee was rather annoyed by him.He kept complaining about the amount of work they had to do and how he didn't have time.In order to get him to shut up,she offered to do all the work. | Classmates


Friends: {People whom you are close to but not close enough to share personal details and secrets. At least three and you can add more.}


Jung Jihyun | 22 | Waitress | Introduced to her on the first day of work | Jihyun is very outgoing and open-minded.She creates a comfortable atmosphere with almost anyone.Minhee liked how carefree and fun she is.Jihyun would always be there to cover for Minhee when she had an emergency back at home or something else.| Colleagues
Lee Minhyuk | 23 | Student  | Corridor of Hongik University | Minhyuk is very kind and always there to lend a helping hand to Minhee.He seems to want to be better friends with Minhee but she has kept him at distance length because she doesn't want to get too close with people.Despite that,Minhyuk is still very understanding and reassured that he'll help her with her studies if need be.| Friends
Park Juhyun | 21 | Waiter | He's a waiter at Minhee's favorite cafe she frequents | They first met when he served her at the cafe.Juhyun is very observant and could tell that she likes to be alone and found out she likes poetry.He would always just serve her the usual whenever she frequents and let her be alone,knowing she likes the silence.He once loaned her a book on poetry that he found at the library. | Friends



Best Friends: {People whom you are extremely close to and treat them almost like family. They can be childhood friends. At least 2-3.}


Lee Jinhwa | 21 | Student and part-time hairstylist | Childhood friends since elementary school | Jinhwa is very friendly and sociable since she was young.She likes to laugh and smile alot at random little things.She always sends Minhee an encouraging message everyday to motivate her.At times,she would even send a cute little message at random timings for fun to make Minhee smile.Minhee treats her like a little sister and her closest friend. | Best friends
Kim Jenny | 20 | Unknown | When she was in high school | Jenny was a studious girl in high school and always followed her parents' instructions and carried high expectations.She was always known as the teacher's pet.She too had a love for poetry and the two managed to bond together with that.Jenny had many haters because people thought that she was a nerd and bullied very often.Minhee stood up for her numerous times.However,when she was 17 years old,Jenny ran away from home and disappeared without a trace.Minhee treated her like her best friend so she and Jenny's family searched everywhere for her.But till now,Jenny was nowhere to be found. | Best friends



Rivals: Minhee thinks of herself as her own rival.She wants and strives to be better than she was yesterday.




Final Question.


Will You Continue Reading And Stay Subscribed Despite Not Being Accepted? Yes


Why: This sounds like an awesome story plus it has B.A.P in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



Terms & Conditions.


I, Choi Minhee, solemnly pledge to follow all the rules of Hotel Fortunae. I shall not have any relationships with my colleagues or I shall be brought in front of the board to determine my fate. I shall serve all guests with a smile and my best manners. I shall never show any displeasure in my job or any hesitance to a guest's needs. I shall always put my job as my number one priority. Any violation of the rules will result in automatic retrenchment. And on the name of Villa Fortunae, the House of Fate, I shall swear to never reveal the secrets and locations of our guests if be questioned without a permit or a warrant. Our guests privacy is number one always. If found guilty of housing a Mary Sue, I shall be bashed on the keyboard by the Hotel Manager herself. Breaking the terms and conditions of this contract will result in automatic banishment from the property.




With regards,


Alice, Hotel Manager of Villa Fortunae



Thank You For Applying. WShall Contact You IChosen.
photo Bangyongguk_zps0dfecf50.gif


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Okay so first of all I think so far you have the best app. I like how in depth she is. Instead of being a chatty person she is more quiet. I have thought up like a ton of scenes already. And the way that she is different from all of the others where their personality is the same working or not.

Just two problems before I can give a full comment on the app, in the you'll catch me in that not that part you are supposed to explain your fashion. You can also use photos with your explanation. Secondly, you have to submit your application on the blog post where the original application is. So like where the outline of the application is, that blog post, you have to comment your application there.

If you still have questions you can ask me. Im sorry for not making it clearer. And thank you for applying! I seriously love your character. ♥