Without Further Ado.....

Alright so here is the bottom line. I have decided, after mulling some things about in my mind for a while, that I will start offering review services for authors. I'm an English major in college right now, so I enjoy critiquing the work of others and I will assure you that it will be quality, unbiased, and based solely on the integrity of the authors writing. I will be completely honest in my perception of the story and the quality of the writing.

I will warn you now, this is only for authors who can take criticism and use it to their advantage. Like I said, I will be completely honest. If your story is amazing, I will let you know. If your story was not so amazing, I will let you know what you should work on so that you can become a better author.

This is also a great way for your work to get more viewers without you looking like a karma point glutton.

So, that being said I will put more information out later. I still have to work out the format for reviews and come up with some rules. Yes, I am making some rules. It seems like a pretty smart thing to do seeing as how crazy some people can be, especially in the fanfiction world.

So, if any of you are interested, keep an eye out for more on this. Hopefully I can get started on reviews really soon. I'm excited about this and I hope you guys will be too. ^^

PANDA OUT!!!! >3<


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I love you. Lol, yeah I need a lot of help with my stories, especially Neutral...I really want it to be a really popular story ^0^