Off to Sapporo, Hokkaido~ 札幌の雪祭りを見に行くつもり

Okay, I know I promised some of you that I would have the next chapter written before I go and...LOLNOPE~ Sorry >.< I was distracted by things...and then I somehow inspired myself to write a new myungjong angsty one-shot...but I gave up half-way because angst is not my thing and I had no idea what was happening in the plot XD But I made the poster for it and then fell in love with the poster...but ;___; sadface.

ANYWAY! I'm off to Hokkaido for a few days to enjoy the Snow Festival, and I'll definitely make a blog post with pictures for you guys about it when I get back~

I get back to Tokyo on the 12th, andthenI'mgoingtoSeoul4dayslater :DDD

But I'll definitely see if I can try to write MOST if not all of a chapter in the 4 days I have between getting back from Hokkaido and going to Seoul. I feel bad that it's already been more than a month since my last chapter >.<

And yes, I'll spam you all with pictures of Seoul as well. :) I'll be there from the 16th-20th, then I'm back to Tokyo for 6 days, then I'm going to Nagano for 2 days, then 2 days later I'm headed back to Seoul for 14 days (returning on March 14th), and then on the 15th I have another NU'EST concert in Tokyo~ Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ 



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jimeme #1
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ :D