Holy O.O Guns....

Okay, crazy things happening this morning. I get to school and everything's great 'n all, right? Well check this--20 minutes after I get to school, there's a shooting! At my school! I seriously didn't think something like that could happen at my school. 

The shooting was outside but there were still several students outside in the area of the shooting--me included--and thankfully no one was hurt. Ironically enough, the school just hired a security offer to stand patrol and today was his first day--one hell of a way to start the job. Anyway, police were called, the shooter got away, and I'm at home now. 



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Good thing you're safe!! You're lucky that it don't happen often. At my school at lease three time a month it's either someone's selling drugs, doing them, fighting or shooting.
oh my gosh! i'm so glad you're okay!! but that's just crazy, i mean, you hear about it but you never think it'll actually happen to your school... it must have been terrifying! just stay safe, ok?
holy poop. i would have been heartbroken if you had gotten hurt <3
that is so scary! D: cousin you must stay safe! YOU MUST.
Well... dang! I'm glad no. One got hurt. That poor security guy. OTL I'm positive he didn't think his job would start that way... >~<<3 stay safe! I hope everything is resolved soon! >~<<3
OMG!!! What? I'm really glad no one got hurt!!! 0.o That's ... insane! A Shooting, I mean ... really? Why do people do that!??! Aish ... but I'm really glad everyone's okay!