Kim Taerin Application


Kim Taerin/Socialite



Username: UlzzangMania

Profile Link: Here


Name: Kim Taehee

Nicknames: Tae, Mandu

Back-Up Position: Fashionista

Age: 17/18

Birthday: 11 March 1995

Blood Type: B

Personality: Tae Hee is known as having a very upbeat personality and she is generally very optimistic. It is uncommon to see her without a bright smile on her face. She has a very loving and caring heart and a talent in seeing the good in everyone. She doesn't appear to be that all smart or intelligent at all. Tae Hee views the world in a very simple and straightforward manner, and thus easily fooled by people by giving her trust to them easily. But once she's devoted in doing something, she is loyal to a fault and can display near-genius levels of competence to the subject of devotion just like having a perfect score in a exam. Still, even if she got good grades, she is easily distracted by trivialities. She is very clumsy and spaces out a lot, often thinking about random and pointless things or she will just think about food. She has the rare ability of not gaining weight no matter how much she eats.

 Despite her simple nature, she is agitated easily and has a scary temper. Most frightening when Tae Hee is angry is not when she’s shouting but when she’s smiling in an unusual way. But when her situation is gloomy, it is then you see the side of her that is struggling to deal with the pain and loneliness of being forgotten by your loved one. She hates crying in front of people because for her, it shows weakness so most of the time she would cry to herself alone in the corner. Overall, no matter what the situation, she never gives up hope. Tae Hee is easy going but can concentrate and work had very well when needed, though this normally leads her to forget anything else. Stubborn, gullible and sometimes an idiot is a person she is but that’s what makes her adorable.

Likes(at least 5):





Horror films







Homework (Doesn't everyone tbh) 



Stutters when she is put on the spot,

Stares into thin air a lot,

Right eye twitches when she is angry


Languages you can speak: Korean (Fluent), Chinese (Good), English (Fail)



Ulzzang Name: Moon Dam Bi

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  | 6

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Park Sora

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

How you dress like: Everyday | Formal | Sleeping


Family Background(At least two paragraphs):

Family&Friends(Format: Name || Age || Relationship || Dead or Alive || Occupation || How you guys interact):

How you met your friends(One paragraph for each person):




Love Interest:



Personality(At least two paragraphs that mention how he interacts with his parents, friends, strangers and you and how he is in general):

How you guys met(At least one paragraph):

His friends(does not have to be from his group, at least one or two friends. I'll count a group as one):

How he dresses like(at least 5 picture links;hyperlink):


Back-Up Love Interest:



Personality(At least two paragraphs that mention how he interacts with his parents, friends, strangers and you and how he is in general):

How you guys met(At least one paragraph):

His friends(does not have to be from his group, at least one or two friends. I'll count a group as one):

How he dresses like(at least 5 picture links;hyperlink):





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