sirari acedemy


Siari Academy
School of the Supernatural
Nickname: Rachel
Active: 3
Student name: Coriana Lee
Species: dragon/shapesshifters/phoenix (her great grandfather, on her mothers side, was a phoenix); she will turn into any item/creature she wants, but ussually it wont last more than 30-60 minutes (sometimes she can be a dragon/phoenix a lot longer)
Age: 17
Birthday: june 4 
Language: korean, english, romanian (mostly cuss words though)
Personality:  when angry at a person she will turn into fly in order to annoy the person; she is a very happy person most of the time, but there are sometimes when others can put her down (for example when she meets another dragon, besides zelo and his friends, they beacuse of her heritage, racist... jk)
History: when she was young she had to earn a living to support her mother and herself, so since she coudn't find a job she asked hye kyung (who back then was her best friend, before she became b*tchy) to help her find a job, hye kyung found 2 jobs for her, one was at the bar and one was to be a cleaner at the music center. coriana took both jobs, but after she meet, and fell in love with, Zelo, she quit that job because he told her too. she continued to clean at the music center and one day decided to try playing he piano (since she heard a lot) and what can i say besides the fact that she played perfectly at the first time (of course though, nobody heard her because she did it secretly). but she wasnt always that careful. once, accidentally, a professor heard her and recoded her and put her on the radio, but nobody knows her name, it is still a mystery (and she still works there)
cute aminals
spoiled brats
when nervous will start bitting nails or shift into a ladybug
when there are kids around her, she will start to freakout (and in the meantime, scare the kids)
she cannot brush her teeth (but she still has perfect teeth)
at night, if she has a nightmare, she will sleep talk/walk
plays piano
can sing opera
likes to (watch) soccer
booms (loud noises)
high places
her fav color is blue
she will die for her family
she doesnt really like piano, but sometimes she does it so she can relieve her stress
worked at a bar
Ulzzang name: jeon ji hyun
Back up ulzzang name: Mint (Heo Youngjoo) from Tiny G.
Supernatural trait: she will mostly turn into that
but lots of times this too
Family: {below put down this format; Name | Age | Dead or Alive | Personality | Relationship with your character | Species }
Mother:Beautiful tranquil Korean actress Kim Ji Soo (4).jpg carmenata lee; 45; alive; she is always sad, and never smiles; she never talks to her daghter, but listens to everthing she has to say (quietly ;/); shapesshifter/phoenix
Father:photo161658.jpg  eusebiu lee; 47(but he died at age 35); dead; was a very charismatic man and died for his family; well he is dead soooo; dragon
Siblings:foto-kim-bum-3.jpeg  lee philip; 23; alive; has a bipolarpersonality; has an unending sarcasm; brother; dragon/phoenix
Other?: Korean_Actress_Ha_9351.jpg aunt calorta lor; 46; alive; lives with and takes care of her younger sister, carmenata; loves coriana, but is too busy to talk;aunt;  shapesshifter
Family History: years ago, when coriana was born, her father's family wanted to kill her mother and her family (yes that included corana); so war was between eusebiu's family (brothers and sister) and also in carmenata's family (also brothers and sisters). a dear friend of eusebiu told him somthing that would help end the war and bring peace, if he went ot the altar of peace and sacrificed himself. he did so.
Best friend: Sun Yee images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOxek31z7omeNrMViXIJy20; alive; sometimes is very cute, does aeygeo to get whatever she wants, will act b*tchy to hye kyung for coriana, is very protective for what she has, loves to sing along with coriana, she is also rich (thats why she can be b*tchy to hye kyung) BUT she is not a spoied brat, she has (a heart of gold) given a lot of money to the poor
Friend: mi kyung images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRd_LBnJDmSXuaEl_K-qvW19; alive; a nerd, but without glasses, has a really cute younger brother that always hangs with her tumblr_mcgrdw0GZa1rhrgclo1_400.jpg(his name is jongnew :/), she is sometimes a vey lively girl and she fangirls (Exsesivly) over shinee (thats why she named her brother jongnew) they are orphans, and her mom died at jongnew's birth (thats why she named him)
Rival: hye kyung choi korea-girl-black-see-through-lace-empire18; alive; her father is really rich so of course she is very b*tchy, likes to show off, has many boyfriends, visits clubs a lot..
Love Interest: Zelo (BAP)
Species: dragon
Personality: VERY shy, but once comfortable with you, will be loud, obnoxious, will act stupid, and if angered will spit blue flames at you (the blue flames are harmless unlike the red ones); BUT if not  comfortable with you if you mess with him, your gone......
doesnt like to be around girls, he would probably rather be working (at the animal store), many girls swoon over him (but he ignores them)
How did you meet?: one day zelo's friends  BAP121.jpg, decided to hook up zelo with a girl at the bar (since he was the only single among them) and the girl happened to be coriana. at first he wouldnt even look at her. but. when he finally did he thought that maybe, just MAYBE, he should give her a chance. he did just that and one day coriana and zelo were visiting at the animal shop where zelo decided to ask her to be his girlfriend, he asked to storkeeper if he could help him, and he made a mini party with the parakeet that said, "coriana, be zelo's girlfriend". coriana smacked zelo and then they laughed and she said, "sure, why not?"
Relationship: boyfriend/girlfriend
Scene Request: n/a
Comments: hope this is better than before....
Suggestions: n/a
Password: tumblr_ma9pj4uVfU1qzh5sno1_500.gif


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