My weird dream + message

Ok, so I was really tired and decided to go bed. I had this really weird dream so I thought I'd share it with you ^^

before you read:

Sam = my friend who is absolutely in love with Ken from VIXX (his user is MaxandSimonSixpack)

nicky= my other friend. She is absolutely in love with Kai from Exo (her user is Blueflower740)


My weird dream :
We were in Vixx's dorm. Sam was there and he was putting on his shoes ready to leave with the VIXX members. I put on my coat or something and then the scene suddenly changed. 
There was this dark grey wall with vines on and ropes hanging from the top (like absaling?) anyways~ Sam and Ken are like kissing while the members are either trying to hit each other while on this wall thing or driving around in these little toy car things. I decided to go in this car thing and drive around. I think ken noticed and got a car for him and Sam. So I was driving around with Sam and ken trying to bump into my car. I saw Ravi, he was staring up at this wall thing, I drove up behind him. Sam and ken like stopped and watched me (LOL! So random already right?! Aha) I was like.
"Sam look" and I was pretending to pinch Ravi's bum (LOL!!) one of the member like nudged Ravi so I actually pinched his bum (N nudged him LOL)  he like turned around with a surprised face. I was like
"S-sorry I-I d-didnt mean to... I uhhhhh" and I was becoming red and I covered my race while reversing, Ravi started to laugh... (Might. Be a sign that I like Ravi but I don't want to admit it ^^)
Right so then The scene changed again! There was this pool and a like the archway that had stone steps that led down to the pool (still outside). There was a couple VIXX members on either side of this archway and one was on a push bike... (Oh that's right I was riding around this pool on a bike!) I like stopped to watch what they were doing.. They were on this bike and tried going down these steps without falling off and going into the pool. Thy would have to quickly turn the bike so they didn't fall in but they were trying it and kept falling off and some even going in the pool which made the other members laugh... (This was a very random dream... Don't Know why it was VIXX though...) right anyways... Sam and Ken walk past holding hands and they like stop and say "I wouldn't try it, you'll get hurt... There just stupid" and started walking again (WTF) then Nicky just runs past (again WTF) so I was like "I can do it" and like rode down these steps and I think it was Ravi, he was like "no Lauren wait!" But I like turned the bike at the bottom so I was the only person who actually did it... Then I woke up. Was such a strange dream I'm telling ya.
Message time~
sorry guys I haven't been updating for AGES~~!!! I was being lazy~ hehe but now my shoulder blade is hurting real bad and I'm ill so I have an excuse /merong~/ hehe ^^
thanks to those who keep subscribing even though I haven't updated in a while and thanks to all the people who have subscribed and are bei g very pacient ^^ /makes a heart above my head with my arms/ ouch my shoulder blade -.- 
bye bye~~~~ XD


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Blueflower740 #1
trololololol hope you get better ~