Something else stolen from a fwd ^^ How much im obbsessed with my looks!

Do you use...


A. Hair...

[x] straightener 

[x] curling iron ( only for special occasions )

[x] mousse

[x] hairspray

[  ] gel

[x] other sprays ( this is an unfair point, why doesn't hairspray go into this one?? )

[x] bobby pins

[x] round barrel brush

[x] blow dryer

[x] mirror

[x] you have dyed your hair

[x] you have or had highlights

Total: 11


B. Eyes

[x] black eyeliner 

[  ] other color eyeliner ( totes, I use an inch of hot pink and finish the wings with purple glitter == )

[x] eye shadow

[x] mascara 

[  ] fake eyelashes

[x] eyelash curler 

[  ] eye shimmer

[  ] colored contacts ( I wish I had purple ones :( )

[  ] stunna shades

[x] eye makeup remover

Stuff from here: 5


C. Lips/Teeth

[x] clear lip gloss

[  ] red or pink gloss

[x] lip stick 

[x] chapstick

[  ] lip plumper

[  ] electric toothbrush

[  ] teeth whitener

[x] lip liner

[  ] more than 15 lipglosses

[x] toothpaste

Stuff from here 5


D. Complexion/Overall face

[x] blush

[x] moisturizer

[x] face wash

[  ] bronzer

[x] makeup remover ( boo, i don't exactly see how it is you have this, but so little of the stuff that this removes?!?! )

[x] face wipes

[x] powder

[x] cover up

Stuff from here: 7


E. Nails

[x] nail polish 

[x] filer

[x] nail clipper

[x] nail buffer

[  ] cuticle remover ( these things are terrible if you have one STOP USING IT your cuticles stop bacteria from festering in your nail! )

[x] nail hardener

[  ] nail brush

[  ] Fake nails

[  ] nail scissors

Stuff from here: 5


Overall Total: 33

Now, add your score and multiply it by 2.

I am 66% obbsessed with my looks.



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the nail polish looks nicer without your cuticles in the way.
tag me huonggg!
B2STHart #2
LOL JESSIE!!!! i'll do this as well :)
SweetStrawberryy #3
LOLOL AHAHHA yeah, Idk I just randomly use it to get rid of small things I use, eg lipgloss, which is hardly ever LOL BUT MEEH XD

And why do people remove their cuticles? O.O