First Blog Post + Contact Lenes

hi yeom ^^

this is my first blog :x ~ so nervous~ jksjks ^^

i don't think anyone gonna read it but allwell...maybe it can be my secret *coughcough* diary ^^

Hello DARKFALLENANGEL i know your reading this :x ahhaha

well me and Darkfallenangel are starting our new fanfic....

Take My Hand and we'll go to Neverland...staring Ukiss <3<3<3

its gonna be about vampiress~ rawr




ohohoh about Contact Lenes..... my friend brought me Circle lenes today...i dunno how to put it's so scary D":

i'm gonna go blind TT____TT i've tried twice hehe maybe my eyes are too small...they don't even fit TT_________TT

it's scary.. how do people do it TT___TT i don't wanna go blind and die and never write fanfic again and never see my bias D':

zomgg well i'm off to try putting them on again ^^ i'll tell you if i can get them on ^o^ 


bye yeom ^^

ps... waaa i hear Thunder ... (MBLAQ <3) and Lighting ~ soo loud... there gonna be a storm tonight


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DarkFallenAngel #1
how did u know i was going to read it?