` (❦) if this was a fairytale ⋮ Sung Hyunjin

` (Sung Hyunjin

Plotline applying for: Lady and the Tramp



` () section one : why hello there



Activity Level:
7 - average


` () section two : give me a rundown

Full Name:
Sung, Hyunjin

* Nickname/s:
❦ Gin
a play on the alcohol and the "jin" in her name, given to her by her best friends for her lack of inhibitions that "could rival a drunkard's" their words, not hers!

❦ Tramp
although it has never been said straight to her face, she is well aware of her reputation in the eyes of others and what they label her behind her back - she just shrugs it off, deeming it too bothersome to try to change the minds of people who jump so quickly to inappropriate conclusions






Spoken Languages:
❦ Korean - fluent
❦ English - learning
❦ Chinese - learning

` () section three : girl, you are looking fine

Lee Eunjin

Back-up Ulzzang:
Ahn Sukyung 

170 cm

50 kg

Hyunjin is mostly slim, but she still has slightly chubby cheeks from what remains of her baby fat. Her legs are also muscled from all the walking on her daily adventures, and are therefore a bit thicker than the typical girl's. Although not stick thin, Hyunjin is a healthy size and very comfortable with her body. She has brown eyes with long lashes, and her hair is black, wavy, and ends about mid-back. Hyunjin likes to highlight it different colors now and then, however, and is currently considering dark purple streaks - in other words, the pure black may not last for long. Her fingers are long and slender, what her mother used to call "pianist" fingers, and Hyunjin got a small tattoo on the inside of her left ring finger to symbolize her wish for a pure love that would last until infinity.

Hyunjin's style is primarily loose, casual, and comfortable. She favors oversized tees or tanks paired with shorts, not only because they are easy to move around in, but also because she enjoys the gentle warmth of sunlight or the cool of a breeze on her skin while out and about. Throw in a trusty pair of sneakers and a bag with her camera and other necessities, and Hyunjin is ready for yet another adventure - oh wait, what was that? What if it's cold out? Slip a button-up on over everything of course, or if it's really chilly, then one of her thicker hoodies. She's even got leggings and leg warmers to layer up with. All those extra layers are definitely a last resort though, since Hyunjin dislikes the clingy feel of fabric restraining her. With all that skin she usually shows though, it's no wonder many judge her a "tramp" at first glance, even before they see how she reels in guy after guy with little difficulty. Seriously, have you seen the way some of her shirts are longer than her shorts - it looks like she's walking around with no pants! No wonder at all.

Hyunjin likes to keep her hair down when she's roaming the streets because she likes the feel of the wind pushing her hair, but she'll tie it up into a messy bun if it gets too windy to keep her hair from whipping her face. She also puts it up indoors to keep it from getting in her way when doing things, and will even wear the occasional hair accessory to school, but Hyunjin's usually too lazy to style her hair that nicely. It's not like she's got anyone to impress anyway, so everything's good as long as she's comfy right? Her ears are pierced but she only wears mismatched earrings, a cuff chain earring on the right and another single earring on the left - she's rather fond of feathered earrings, so if one doesn't have a feather, the one on the other side will.

` () section four : let's take a look inside

Hyunjin's never been afraid of "getting her hands dirty," so to speak, and her parents had always encouraged her curious and adventurous nature. There is just so much more to the world than meets the eye, and Hyunjin wants to explore every nook and cranny, to discover every hidden gem. She is not the slightest bit afraid of getting lost while exploring - after all, sometimes getting lost is part of the journey, and you never know what you may find. Spontaneous as she is, Hyunjin is fond of surprises and taking things as they come, confident that she's adaptive enough to figure out a way through anything life throws at her. Some describe how she charges headlong without a plan as "reckless," or even "stupid," but Hyunjin doesn't care. Nothing ventured, nothing gained - Hyunjin is daring, and the idea that something amazing out there's waiting for her is too tempting a call to be ignored. As such, she's also never afraid of trying something new. What's the worst that can happen? If she doesn't like it, then at least she can say she gave it a shot and she'll never have to wonder again. Hyunjin isn't one to live with regrets, so she listens to instinct instead of second-guessing herself. If the consequences of her impulsive decisions catch up to her…well, that's another problem for another day. Hyunjin's all about living in the present and facing the here and now, thus rather irresponsible for her actions.

A total fun-lover, Hyunjin is not only in search for adventure, but amusement as well. And if there's none of that to be found at the moment? She'll create it. See where this is going? Disliking the rigid seriousness of formalities, Hyunjin likes cracking jokes to create a lighter and more open mood, even at the expense of herself. Not only that, Hyunjin is a mischievous prankster through and through. If her head's not in the clouds, thinking about where she can go and what she can do when she goes roaming in the streets, then it's busy plotting her next trick.
 She's far from the ideal student, bored out of her mind when confined to the classroom - it is the only time Hyunjin isn't so enthusiastic about her here and now. With her pranks however, even though she doesn't mean to harm anyone, sometimes…it happens. Focused on her own excitement and pleasure, Hyunjin might not always be aware of those around her and therefore accidentally harm them, especially their feelings. Usually she laughs it off and apologizes, insensitive to the degree of damage she caused - if she's forgiven, then all's fine and well, but it is only if the other makes it very obvious that they are upset does Hyunjin realize she overstepped boundaries. If that's the case, say no more, Hyunjin will do her best to make amends. Persistent to the point of stubborn, she will do anything to bring a smile back on their face.

Generally left to her own devices since she was ten, Hyunjin has developed a strong sense of independence and can very well take care of herself. That's not to say she's a distant person. On the contrary, she is the exact opposite. Open and playful, she is laid-back and easy to get along with once you take the time to get to know her. So easy, in fact, she would doubtless be considered a social butterfly, if not for the quirk that came with her friendliness. If you asked her friends to describe her in one word, you'd almost always get the same answer - ert. Hyunjin is very affectionate and a total skinship devil. She likes touching others, be it innocently hugging or hanging onto their arms, or be it not-so-innocently sliding her hand around their hips or slapping their butts. You get used to it, but it can be uncomfortable to some because she might not realize how intimate she can get…or, it can simply further contribute to her reputation as a "tramp." The only thing she probably likes more than giving skinship, is when it's returned. She likes attention, not in the vain sense of the word, but rather knowing someone she cares for will show her the same affection. Hyunjin might seem clingy and easy for throwing herself around like that, but she really just likes the physical assurance. Besides, it's not like she jumps on just anyone - now that would be plain creepy, not to mention desperate.

Despite the number of guys she's briefly dated and the rumors of her being a complete , Hyunjin's more of a true romantic. She believes that her soul mate is somewhere out in the wide world she never tires of exploring, and surely hopes they'll find their way to each other someday…yet, for all her adventure and amusement seeking ways, love is not something she'll actively look for. It'd be nice to fall in love, but it's too troublesome from what she's seen. It's a luxury, not a life-sustaining necessity - she most definitely doesn't need something as judgmental and disappointing as romance to determine her happiness. Somewhat cynical due to her past experiences with romantic relationships, Hyunjin is satisfied with the love of her best friends and family, and she's got more than enough affection to shower them with. Remember her whole live without regrets bit? And living in the here and now? She'd definitely regret missing all the little things in the present if she's busy wondering about the love in her future. The romantic in her believes in fate, and what's meant to be will eventually come.

❦ exploring the city / sightseeing
why stay cooped up if the world's right outside your window?

❦ photography
all the things she sees, people she meets, places she's been…everything's a precious memory!

❦ skateboarding
it's not just about speed, but the feel of the wind in her hair too, that makes it seem like she can fly

❦ water-skiing
if skateboarding feels like flying, water-skiing is flying…across the water that is, with a refreshing spray to go with it

❦ trying and rating new "creations" at her favorite dessert places and cafés
adventurous and tasty all rolled into one, what's not to like?

❦ skinship
she likes to touch people to show affection, and likes receiving it even more because of the physical assurance

❦ sweets / desserts
nothing better than little treats after a long day!

❦ colorful post-it notes
bright and fun to look at, and practical for organization too

❦ breezy days
not too hot, not too cold, perfect exploration weather!

❦ horror movies
the twists and surprises most scary movies have are exciting, and a good shock now and then never hurts anyone

❦ the sound of rainfall
rhythmic and peaceful, whether against the glass of the window or the cover of her umbrella

❦ newly laundered sheets / blankets
the fresh clean smell and extra softness make them even more inviting than usual

❦ being ignored / given the silent treatment by someone she cares about
uncomfortable since it means they're mad or upset at her for some reason, right?

❦ crowded buses
not only does it get hot and stuffy, not being able to move in the cramped space makes her nervous

❦ making her bed in the morning
what's the point, if she'll be messing it up again when she goes to sleep?

❦ hot water running out when she showers
she may like surprises, but a cold shower is not how she likes starting her day!

❦ eggplant
something about their mushy texture is just…gross

❦ being formal to people / being treated formally by people
restrictions are no fun, social or physical

❦ reaching in the cookie jar and finding it empty
only because it's really disappointing when she's looking for a sweet treat

❦ arachibutyrophobia (fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth)
happened once when she was five - she still remembers the feeling of almost swallowing her tongue while trying to it off

❦ cleisiophobia (fear of being locked in small confined places)
more than the places themselves, she's afraid of being stuck in them since freedom and adventure is so important to her

❦ merinthophobia (fear of being tied or bound up)
similar to her cleisiophobia because being restrained and losing her freedom terrifies her

❦ athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten)
the thought that she matters so little to someone is rather painful

❦ coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
they're just creepy as hell okay, who knows what's going on behind their smiley makeup

❦ rolls around in bed "to stretch" before she can get up

❦ chews on things while she reads (for example: gum, tip of her pen, straw of her drink, her nails…)

❦ always adds a pinch of sugar or pepper to her food, depending on if the food’s sweet or salty, even before she tastes it

❦ keeps a notepad on her at all times to keep track of desserts / drinks and her ratings

❦ sings to her showerhead when a song gets stuck in her head

* Extra:
❦ writes with her left hand in pen, her right hand in pencil (she can't switch for some reason)

❦ allergic to mushrooms

❦ believes in psychics and the supernatural

` () section five : and hit the time travel switch

* Background:
Hyunjin came from a typical loving family, and maybe that's what spoiled her – the warm household, being the center of her parents' world, the happy childhood she'd thought would always last, everything she'd taken for granted until she reached the age of ten. When her mother passed away, her father began to travel or stay at work for longer and longer periods of time. Hyunjin was growing up and becoming the spitting image of her late mother, which made moving on difficult for him. That's not to say he didn't love Hyunjin, however. He'd buy her all the things she wanted, and gave her freedom and independence most children could only dream of. Even though it fostered a strong sense of self-sufficiency and adaptability in Hyunjin, she still felt neglected because of how he avoided her. The experience played a large role in her insecurities and how desperately she sought affection from and showered affection on others, wanting to keep her loved ones literally close to her out of fear of being forgotten.

When her best friends decided to attend high school in Seoul, Hyunjin did not think twice about leaving home to follow them. Though her decision was more out of a desire to stick close to her friends and a thirst for adventure in the city, rather than any goals for better education like Hyunjin told her father, she still calls to tell her father she's alive and fill him in on her studies once a week. If she felt any bitterness towards her father when she was younger for ignoring her, she's long since overcome it. She may not have understood why her father did what he did when she was a child, but having matured over the years, Hyunjin's learning to look back through his perspective. In hindsight, her father's devotion to her mother, even after her death, might have contributed largely to why Hyunjin is such a romantic in this day and age. The distance seems to be doing the father-daughter pair good, since her father is able to communicate with her over the phone naturally, almost like he used to - Hyunjin is thankful for the fact, and clings onto the hope that they will someday go back to being as close as they used to be. Meanwhile, she's happily shacked up with her friends in a rented apartment home. Life was good.

…well, maybe she spoke a little too soon. Her fun-loving, laid-back, and positive personality had attracted more than a few guys since she came to Seoul. Never afraid to try something new, Hyunjin had been open and receptive to confessions from guys, willing to give them a chance because who knows - maybe she'll actually find her true love in the process. Of those she tried dating, however, not a single one liked her for who she was. Refusing to change herself to fit someone else's feminine ideal, much less give in to those pressuring her for more than she was willing to give, Hyunjin sent her suitors packing. They were more trouble than they were worth, but oh, she didn't know the half of it. Her ability to reel in guy after guy had built up quite a reputation for her to begin with - throw in the ones she kicked to the curb? Yeah, they just added fuel to the fire to save their own prides. Not wanting to admit that they were rejected after a mere first few dates, they only made the rumors worse, claiming Hyunjin was much too easy a woman to be worth dating.


` () section six : to find your entwined to someone else

❦ father || Sung Jihoon || 45 || journalist || Although it's been over half a decade since the death of his wife, he still mourns her deeply. He loves his daughter, but every time he sees her, he can't help but be reminded of his late wife. He unconsciously distances himself from Hyunjin using work and travel as his excuses, and couldn't help but feel relieved when she told him she'd be leaving home with her friends to study in Seoul. || An honest and hard-working man, he's undeniably a good and kind father who places his family above all else. Because he cares so deeply for his family, however, the attachment became the reason his wife's passing came as such a traumatizing blow to him and why the sight of Hyunjin became such a trigger for his grief. Although encouraging of his daughter's self-motivation and independence, he remains oblivious to Hyunjin's need for close emotional support because he's too preoccupied with overcoming his own problems.

❦ mother || Sung Aejung || deceased - would be 41 || housewife || Hyunjin's memories of her mother are generally happy ones. Even memories of having her ears nagged off make her smile because Hyunjin understands her mother always meant well…although Hyunjin was stubborn and would backtalk in rebellion at the time. She misses her, but unlike her father who buried himself in work, Hyunjin is determined to make the most of life and the relationships she currently has. || Ultimately a worry wart, she had the uncanny ability of making her family more nervous whenever she started worrying. Overprotective of her only child, she could be rather nosy because she wanted to know anything and everything going on with Hyunjin. Although she obviously loved her family and household, she was very picky about keeping the home clean and no one would be spared if they left a mess.

Fellow Fairytaler/s:
❦ Peter Pan
being on opposite ends of the social spectrum doesn't hinder their friendship, 
contrary to popular belief, especially since Hyunjin and her share a near identical love for mischief and adventure - Hyunjin knows she can always count on her for company and a good time

❦ Frog
despite her unsavory reputation (who's Hyunjin kidding, her own isn't exactly a shining beacon of virtue either), Hyunjin sympathizes with her background and admires her outlook on life even though she's been hurt in the past

❦ Robin Hood
reckless and fun-loving, both share similar personalities - what's more, Hyunjin respects her generous deeds and sense of justice, and can relate to the need to brighten an otherwise boring livelihood

❦ Aladdin
while her ambition is admirable and certainly understandable, Hyunjin finds it a little difficult to relate to a one track mind - studies are important and all, but grades aren't everything

❦ Tarzan
Hyunjin expected her to be curious and adventurous precisely because of her background, but instead she seems to reject the world - Hyunjin just can't wrap her head around that, since there's so much to the world than meets the eye

❦ Beast
selfish, spoiled, and reclusive, Hyunjin has little to no desire to approach her - any attempt would probably be dismissed anyway, lest the Tramp contaminate the princess's air with her whorish unclassy presence

* Friend/s:
❦ Lee "Hoya" Howon (Infinite) [back-up: Jung Daehyun (B.A.P), Son Dongwoon (Beast)] || 18 || senior || He is her best guy friend, who also happens to seem like the older brother Hyunjin never had. They hail from the same neighborhood and met in their local elementary school - he's long since gotten used to her touchy-feely tendencies, even though he used to mistake them as Hyunjin's way of confessing to him. Realizing that's just who she is, he is now quick to respond to her skinship when he learns that it comforts her. One of her two roommates at the moment, Hyunjin honestly wouldn't have it any other way. || Even though he doesn't speak often unless he's comfortable with the people around him, he is usually witty when he does - his words tend to be memorable or induce laughter, if not both. He is both literally fast on his feet and quick to respond to situations, owing to the fact he follows gut instinct rather than over-think or over-rationalize his decisions. Cool and charismatic though he may appear, he can also be easily confused or oblivious at times because when he's focused on something, he puts all his attention and efforts into it.

❦ Jung "Eunji" Hyerim (A Pink) || 17 || junior || Her best girl friend, Hyunjin's literally known her for as long as she can remember - their mothers had been friends, so the two grew up close together. Hyunjin knows she can count on her to hold her hand and tell her things will work out when Hyunjin's feeling down…as well as spazz and flail wildly with her when there's cause for celebration. The other of her two roommates, Hyunjin's thankful to have another girl around to help her bully back her up when the members of their shared apartment have disagreements, especially since there are some things a bro will never understand no matter how open-minded he is. || Sweet but observant, she knows exactly how to use her innocent appearance to get what she wants. Call her mischievous, call her manipulative, she doesn't care - after all, there's nothing wrong with using what she's got. Her sharp tongue often teases those around her, but she never means any actual harm, no matter how blunt and sarcastic she may be. Loud and outspoken about her opinions, she is passionate about the things she cares about and as loyal as friends come.

* Rival/s:

` () section seven : or some love before the dawn

Love Interest:
Nam Woohyun (Infinite)

Back-up Love Interest:
Lee Sungjong (Infinite)

* How You Met:
Hyunjin had just climbed over the railing separating the sidewalk from the Han River. She'd made a point of actually waking up extra early to see the sunrise, and the peaceful silence from how little people were out and about at this ungodly time of day almost made it feel as though the special sight would be for her alone. Taking advantage of her solitude, Hyunjin had snuck over the protective barrier, thrown her arms wide open in stretch, and took a deep breath of the crisp morning air - it may not have been much, but at this moment she felt like she was on top of the world.

…that was, until someone shouted at her from behind. Hyunjin glanced over her shoulder to see a guy with a bulging backpack (she almost snorted aloud - he looked like a runaway) staring at her. He was about her age, a year or two older at most, and seemed frightened. He started telling her that whatever was troubling her would soon pass, that things were never as bad as they seemed, that she shouldn't give up on herself just because things weren't going her way - it didn't take long for Hyunjin to realize that this stranger thought she was trying to commit suicide. Trying desperately to keep a straight face at the ridiculous assumption (she of all people realized and valued living and all its little pleasures), Hyunjin decided to a bit, just to see how he'd react. Making sure she still had a strong grip on the railing with one hand, she let go of the other and pretended to take a step off the ledge with a dramatic sob. The guy panicked further, shouting and rushing forward. He introduced himself as Woohyun and how he was facing problems himself, but rather than letting the situation get the better of him, he decided to change it. He told her that even though he didn't know what she was going through, and he didn't have much to offer her at the moment, she shouldn't be hasty and he'd gladly listen to her and try his best to get her the help she needed.

Hyunjin couldn't help but burst out laughing at this point, both amused and touched by how genuine Woohyun was. Unlike the guys she'd been involved with in the past, Woohyun seemed to really care about her, even if he didn't know her and would have no incentive to reach out to her. Deciding he was honestly a good guy and she liked that about him, Hyunjin also introduced herself and came back to the "safe" side. Woohyun, on the other hand, was not nearly as amused and thoroughly upset. He scolded her for treating such a serious issue so lightly, as if everything was a giant joke to her. He didn't appreciate being tricked - it felt like he was taken advantage of, or that his good intentions were betrayed. Hyunjin simply laughed harder, to Woohyun's displeasure, and apologized before offering to take him out to breakfast to make up for scaring him. Although he refused and tried to stomp off, Hyunjin wouldn't take no for an answer and simply grabbed his hand and dragged him off behind her, ignoring his struggling and cursing at her.

* Current Relationship:
They have a "love-hate" relationship with each other, often butting heads due to differences in opinions yet enjoying the challenge they pose each other. As fun-loving and carefree as Hyunjin is, Woohyun is equally narrow-minded and stubborn with his way of life - not to mention the fact he is still sore over their meeting, something he wouldn't let go of easily unless he gets even is paid back somehow. Alternating between exchanging prickly banter and barely concealed words of concern, Hyunjin finds the challenge of knocking Woohyun off his game exciting, even if she won't admit it to his face. So instead, she drags him around on her daily adventures and takes care to control her default “warfare” responses to his every word lest the silly oversensitive guy somehow gets the idea she doesn't actually like having him around. Although Woohyun acts annoyed and reluctant at tagging along, he also wouldn't really let someone he dislikes yank him to random corners of Seoul.

* Family:
❦ father || Nam Sekwang || 47 || senior business consultant || As the only child in his household up until the past couple years, Woohyun naturally had all his father's attention focused on him. He and his wife raised him closely, not trusting their son in the hands of any sitter despite their respective careers - if anything, they overcompensate their absence with how protective they are. Although he certainly tries to be the tough parent, since his wife is hardly going to dole out discipline, he never feels the need. || Stoic, strict, and curt though he may be at work, he is nothing but caring and doting on his family. His position of authority does not reflect on his personality at all - although he is powerful within the company, he is not unreasonable and willing to take the thoughts and opinions of others into consideration. If he is fair at work, he's positively putty at home, catering to the wants and needs of his family above his own.

❦ mother || Nam Hyekyo || 44 || public relations representative || Woohyun wouldn't be regarded as the precious mama's boy in his neighborhood if he isn't close to his mother, now would he? Wanting to keep him from having to go through any hardship, she takes great and close care of him. The only time she tries to shoo him away is while she cooks - regardless, Woohyun learns how to cook from her by hovering around her while she's in the kitchen. || Strong, independent, and self-confident, she is a natural leader. It is therefore little surprise that she works as the face of her company, promoting it with enthusiasm and professionalism…until her children are involved, that is. Then there's no contest. She may be hard-working and responsible, but her responsibility to her family outweighs anything she feels for work - she would not hesitate to drop everything if her kids needed her…unless she was physically incapable of doing so, of course.

❦ baby sister || Nam Saeyeon || 1 || n/a || Sure, Woohyun wasn't used to sharing the attentions of his parents at first, and sure, he'll even grudgingly admit to being a bit jealous still, but Woohyun nonetheless loves her. Young and delicate, she needs every bit the protective older brother to watch out for her while their parents are at work. That is not to say it isn't weird thinking about how much of an age difference he has with his sibling - Woohyun only hopes things won't be awkward between them when she grows older. || A surprisingly low-maintenance baby, she isn't fussy and is easily entertained thanks to her natural curiosity. It is probably the only reason her mother could be persuaded to leave her behind, since she is unlikely to cause trouble for her caretakers. She is, however, wary around strangers, and will howl and cry if she is left alone with unfamiliar people.

❦ aunt || Jo Minsook || 46 || market cashier || Jealous of her younger sister's success in life, she's secretly bitter towards her beneath the loving façade she shows her sister and her family. Woohyun never suspected a thing whenever they visited, always assuming that it was natural for her to favor her sons over him. It isn't until he actually has to live with her does he realize how unpleasant she really is. || Petty over the sibling rivalry with her sister, she comes off as obnoxious and two-faced. She works hard to provide for her family, however - a single mother, her sons are her utmost priority. Her pride refuses to let her accept financial help from her sister, further embittering her towards her nephew for all the luxuries he has that her sons go without.

❦ cousin || Jo Youngmin (Boyfriend) || 17 || junior || After listening to his mother's angry rants about his aunt's family, he too picks up on her bitterness. He also picks up on her mask, however, and mimics her warm courtesy. Woohyun remained none the wiser, until he was framed. || The older of the twins, he feels responsible for his brother. He does his best to take care of him while their mother is at work, and is sensitive to the younger's needs. Quick-witted and with a strong sense of self-preservation, he is good with fabricating stories…especially those that pin blame on others.

❦ cousin || Jo Kwangmin (Boyfriend) || 17 || junior || Unlike his brother, he openly shows his dislike towards Woohyun. Woohyun doesn't understand where this hostility's coming from, especially since it seems to be directed solely at him. Despite Woohyun's attempts to make amends with his youngest cousin, he fails time and again. || Spoiled by his family, he's used to getting his way and will sulk if he doesn't. Sulk puts it nicely - he'll throw a tantrum that can shake the house. More reckless and impulsive than his brother, he's a troublemaker behind his seemingly angelic smile.

* Friend/s:
❦ Kim "Key" Kibum (SHINee) || 18 || senior || They are best friends, and have been for years. Even if they disagree and bicker occasionally, no grudges are held between them because they simply cannot talk out their issues without a heated argument. He's rather protective over Woohyun, knowing Woohyun grew up in a close-knit family and was naïve to the problems that existed outside his sheltered bubble. || Confident and straightforward, he doesn't beat around the bush when he has something to say, never mind sugarcoat his opinions to spare someone's feelings. Rather, he is blunt and sarcastic - he may therefore come off as a "diva" with his devil-may-care attitude, but he also intentionally plays on that perception of him. Beneath the loud and brash surface lies a calculative thinker, who not only knows how to bide his time until it is most advantageous to him, but also enjoys shocking people who underestimate him.

❦ Lee "IU" Jieun (soloist) || 17 || junior || A hoobae from school, she was Woohyun's first crush. Although she didn't return his feelings, and he was undeniably disappointed at the time, he was quick to get over the rejection - she, in turn, offered him a hand in friendship which he gladly accepted. Though Woohyun hesitates to confide in her after once unsuccessfully baring his all, she nonetheless has a keen interest in finding him someone that she feels is "meant for him." || She may seem meek and timid on first impression, but once she has warmed up, she is bubbly and talkative. Warm, gentle, and friendly, she is the ideal girl of many a guy, but this romantic is much more interested in the love stories of others than her own. A bit of a gossip, she's a good listener but also takes everything she hears with a grain of salt, aware that the sources of most stories tend to be questionable.

* Rival/s:
❦ Lee "Hoya" Howon (Infinite) [back-up: Jung Daehyun (B.A.P), Son Dongwoon (Beast)] || 18 || senior || Although they're civil with each other, Woohyun knows he doesn't trust Woohyun around Hyunjin and can't help but wonder why. Sure, they're "best friends," but there's no need for him to glare at Woohyun every time he does skinship with Hyunjin - what is he, a human guard dog? It's not like Woohyun's out to molest her…unless the guy's feeling threatened by how close Woohyun's becoming with her? They are awfully touchy with each other, are best friends even supposed to be like that? || He's supposedly as soft as a teddy bear under his grumpy exterior, but is fiercely protective of those he cares about. With a strong sense of responsibility, especially towards the girls whose parents trusted him to care for them in this big city, he would rather die before letting any harm come to them. Considering Hyunjin's history with relationships, he's especially cautious and suspicious about guys who approach her - after all, it's those sore losers who twisted reality and made her out to be some kind of "tramp" when she knocked them down for coming on strong, and he will not hesitate to beat in the face of the next guy who tries to take advantage of her open personality.

* Ending:
I'd like a happily ever after, but I'll leave it up to you author-nim!!
* Extra:

` () section nine : but perhaps we'll meet again

* Comments:
Phew, finally finished! This...came out longer than expected, I hope that wasn't a turn-off >u<;; Anyways, I hope you'll like Hyunjin! I worked really hard on this app, so hopefully that shows. The plotlines were just so inviting - twisted fairy-tales are among my favorite genres, and the role reversals here were plain awesome. I should mention that I don't really know Boyfriend at all very well, so the Jo twins might be completely OOC for all I know - I apologize, but I figured you had certain things about the twins in mind already when you came up with the plotline, so I hope you won't count it against me! Hope you'll consider Hyunjin to be part of this story!
* Questions:
Where does this high school au take place? Since I had to move my OC out of her hometown and to the school, I assumed and filled it in as Seoul - if it's another city, let me know and I'll be sure to edit it.
* Suggestions:
Conflicts would be fun, but I have a feeling you have plenty of those in mind while I read through your plotlines LOL.
* Scene Requests:
❦ a scene where Woohyun is trying to help Hyunjin prepare for an exam in a class she's doing particularly bad in, but she wants nothing to do with the subject and would rather go out to play ("Can we get out of here now? I'm sick of studying!" "How can you be sick of studying, you haven't done any studying! You whined, you doodled, and you made a card castle, but as of yet, no studying.") Hyunjin tries to bribe Woohyun while grabbing and swinging his arm childishly, but Woohyun doesn't budge ("Let's go get patbingsoo, my treat! I'll study after we get back, I swear!" "You can treat me to all the patbingsoo you want after you finish this page of problems.")

❦ and / or a scene based on this - also known as Woohyun conspiring with Hoya and Eunji (or Key and IU) to play a prank on Hyunjin for once, and if they're going to wake a sleeping dragon, they might as well go all out and make it big
Do you mind if I change some parts in your application?:
Once upon a time:
and happily never after



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