Oh gosh.

Before I started working, I said I would work during the weekdays and exercise during the weekends. Now, that's the weekend, I'm too lazy to go and do something. Geez, but still, I'll probably be dragged to the gym by my dad.

I said I'll update Trickling Red during the weekends. However, I saw an impossibility to it. Damn. Paralleled's already on hiatus. Sighs... For the very least, updates seem too hard to become updates for this upcoming work. My contract only lasts a month. Thank goodness. 

I really want to enter Round 2 of the current writing contest I'm in. I have a plot in mind and bits and pieces here and there in my phone. There's a plot, it's 1/6 written but there's no title and no names to them. I can't decide whether to write a 'you' story with it or... not. It's a love triangle kind of thing, my first time writing it. And it isn't , obviously. When I saw the theme, 'Ah, this could be a reason for me to actually post this story up on AFF!' popped up in my head. But... But... The deadline is a day after my contract ends — 1 March. I'm sad. 

Ok, now it's about work. I actually found working fun, a contrary to what a working adult would say, I guess. And, working in the office makes one fat. Eat and sit. Sit and Eat. I put on all the weight that I've lost in one damn week. . That explains the serious need to exercise... and sleeping more. I learnt lots of things in the past week already and I'm eager to know more. Before starting work, I was feeling that useless state of mine. After I started work, I found myself getting useful. Muahahah. I was so happy and I grinned like an idiot. 

In short, I'm busy. Updates are close to impossible(but almost none of you would bother about this since most of my friends aren't my subscribers, so yeah). And my contest entry may be impossible too... Cries. But working is fun. 



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