For the First Time Ever, I'm Disappointed in my Bias.

So this morning I woke up and did the usual rounds on tumblr/twitter/youtube on my biases and favorite groups.

Checked Amber’s twitter account, and saw that there was some dire reblogged comment from Min and then Amber had posted something like “Why be someone else when you can be yourself”. I figured these things were related and assumed that maybe Min and Amber were in some mini fight about opinions and left it at that.

A half hour later, I get on amber’s tumblr tag and there it is. She cut all of her hair off and dyed it black. And that was what her post had meant.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ll always love and support Amber. But I can’t help feeling a little disappointed.

Not because “Oh, I’ll never get to see her be all feminine pout pout” but because it was something she told the fans we were going to get to see this year (I assumed she just meant longer hair, and I had an awesome vision of her rockin’ the Taemin look in “Lucifer”). And the haircut took it all back. So many people stood up for her decision to change her image, me included, while people freaked out, and now I kind of feel like it was pointless.

Also, I think she should’ve challenged herself to try something new.

Seohyun, who has not rocked bangs since her debut, cut her hair and now has fringe. Some days it doesn’t look good, and other times, she looks beautiful with it. But she did it, she tried it.

Jungshin. JUNGSHIN, who is notorious for his long, beautiful hair, chopped that all off and it took him, what, 2 months to assimilate and get the hairstyle right. And now, he looks great. Sure, I anticipate the day it’s back to being shoulder length, but he tried something new that he’s never done before. And it’s working for him. It might be working a little too much.

My opinion is if Jungshin can swallow his pride, sit in the chair, and watch his gorgeous hair fall to the ground for work purposes, then what stopped Amber from swallowing hers until the next comback?   

She’s a confident, strong girl who is proud of who she is. Why would longer hair take any of that away from her?

Either way, I’m sure I’ll get over it. Maybe SM made her cut it, although I doubt it. I just wish she would’ve kept her word to her fans, or rather, Vic’s word.

Whatever. She’ll do something dorky and fun in a couple of days and I’ll be all like “Amber, you’re awesome.” And that’ll be that.  


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Is that really tru? ..
And i thought that she was wearing a wig at the awards at bonsang's music awards..
I'm quite dissapointed too but maybe she wasn't ready for sth like this yet ?
pfff idk ._.