
     Hello! I was wondering if any of you could spare me some karma points? 15 karma tops. I don't want more than that per person, I don't want to be greedy! Acually, really, just 5 or ten will do, just please don't give more than 15!! It is A-OKAY if you don't give me any. I'm just asking because I think  I'm gonna advertise one of my stories... Or advertise the request shop I'm co-authoring... (-- L I G H T B U L B -- [story review shop])

     So, please spare me some? >.< It would make me so happy! If you want, (If you give me some) I could put a hyper-link to your story in the Author's Note to my most popular story, Always on my Mind.

      Thanks in advance if you do!! Love you all!!!


                                                                        Yours Truly,



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add that leetaemin32596 will also advertise their stories, and I'm WAY more popular than you.