Minho's Fanpage

Hello ^^

just like the title of this post, it's about Minho's fanpage.

One day, I googled Onew's fanpages because I decided to join some of his pages. I found blog post that shares the links to his fanpages. But then, I googled about Minho's fanpages, just in case there is a page that I missed, and there was no a blog post about it which made me disappointed.

That's why I decide to make a blog and make a post about Minho's fanpage

You can read my post here

That's all. hehe ^^v


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MotshELF #1
Thank you for that link :) ! That's exactly what I was looking for, since I only go on Beautiful Days. But... For most of them you have to join to be able to see the pictures, right ? T_T