
So, I've caught a cold, mmm yes lovely ;~; And I got my hair dyed! Yaaaaay its so dark and just UNF I LOVE IT :D I'll put up a picture of myself later, when I look less sick and ty >__> Back to my problems, I'm siiiick ;A; I feel like I swallowed a cactus *cringes* School and exams were cancelled due to some icy ed up weather so WOOOO I get to sleep in! :D But I didn't, more like couldn't, fall asleep this morning and ended up taking a nap at 12 I woke up at 4 D: my mom thought I was dead or something -___- I can safely say I feel even tier now ;~; Uuuuhhhlllaaaaaggghhhhhhhmnnnn *dies* What about you guys, how are you all? :I


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I'm feeling OK I guess. Thanks so the "snow" day I now understand math. I figured out how to do my hair like Legolas from Lord of The Rings so yay :D I hope you feel better soon <3 And ahm, I hate to be a downer but I doubt you did anything yesterday so HISTOWEE. OH OH. OH OH. EVERY EVERY EVERYDAY NAEGA MANDEUN HISTOWEE! If you catch my drift...