Winterlicious || App: Wang Zimei






( Wang Zimei )


username: kissychuu

activity on aff: 7 - average

name/nickname: Chuu




name: Wang Zimei

age | year: 17 | senior

gender: female


Put nicely, Zimei is a dreamer. She is a romantic and an optimist, choosing to believe that something good will always follow the bad. That's what her romantic novels and drama marathons have taught her - no matter how hopeless things seem, there will ultimately be a happy ending. So why get caught up in the gloom and doom, when there's a light at the end of the tunnel, right? Others may call her childish, or plain naïve. Having never experienced any particularly traumatic or depressing events thus far in her life, Zimei is rather naïve. The daughter of a loving and overprotective family, Zimei grew up in a warm and sheltered environment. She is not completely ignorant, and does not deny that the world can be sad and cruel - yet sadness has never quite affected her personally, which helps maintain her generally mellow personality. She can therefore be insensitive at times to others in pain, because she's convinced that there'll be something good right around the corner.

It is only at her cousin's insistence that Zimei agreed to participate in the winter trip. Until now, she has never spent so much time away from home by herself. Timid and soft-spoken, Zimei tends to rely on her friends at school to be mood-makers while she watches and listens in the background. She is far from being independent just about anywhere, a fact her cousin is determined to change before Zimei graduates and gets eaten alive in university. What kind life experience can she boast, if all she can come up with are scenes from books and dramas? That's another thing - Zimei is obsessed with love stories. She can't wait to experience one of her own, and that is what convinces her most to go camping. After all, some of the sweetest scenes take place in a winter wonderland! And it's not like she'd ever get one if she always stayed holed up in her room, no matter how amazing the writers or actors are. Even though it's stepping out of her comfort zone, Zimei is willing to take the risk, which may be her first step towards finding herself and proper maturity.


›  pastel colors
›  hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and a dash of peppermint
›  piano covers of hit songs
›  scent and feel of warm freshly laundered sheets

›  waking up early
›  nuts
›  the cold - much prefers the indoors when it's cold out
›  reaching in the cookie jar and finding it empty

›  watching drama marathons in her pjs
›  reading romance novels
›  baking

›  chews on things while she reads (for example: gum, tip of her pen, straw of her drink, her nails…)
›  sleeps in past noon whenever possible
›  always adds a pinch of sugar or pepper to her food, depending on if the food’s sweet or salty, even before she tastes it

›  goes by the nickname "Zee" around friends
›  writes with her left hand in pen, her right hand in pencil (she can't switch for some reason)
›  cannot swim to save her life


ulzzang: YiYi


back-up ulzzang: Chen Yue / "Kingboo" |



pajamas: pastel blue fleece pants, giant sweatshirt that ends mid-thigh, and fluffy bunny slippers hardwood floors are cold okay

casual/every day: jeans or tight leggings, and oversized sweatshirts or hoodies

outerwear: lightweight and waterproof down jacket, mittens, earmuffs, and scarf




older cousin | Wang "Fei" Feifei (miss A) | 20 / returning grad | 5 | Strong, independent, and self-confident, Fei is a natural leader. Her sense of responsibility and authority, however, doesn't hinder her sarcasm and wicked sense of humor. | Close - Fei is the older sister Zimei never had, and Zimei really admires her. Although it bugs Zimei when Fei acts nosy or nags her, she knows Fei has good intentions and only wants what's best for her.


Kim "L" Myungsoo (Infinite) | 18 / senior | 5 | Although he may come off as cool and unapproachable, Myungsoo is simply reserved and awkward around people he's not comfortable with. He is actually easily amused, and those close to him are privy to his odd peculiar sense of humor. | Best friends - Zimei and Myungsoo may both seem quiet, but contrary to popular belief, they rarely share awkward silences. Put them together and they'll retreat into their own little world, filled with random discussions ranging from the latest shoujo manga to the most outrageous thing they'd like to eat.

Lee Kikwang (Beast) | 18 / senior | 4 | Cheerful and optimistic, Kikwang's childish charms are hard not to fall for. It may seem like he never takes anything seriously, though in truth he knows his priorities and simply doesn't let things bother him. | Friends - Zimei loves how much Kikwang humors her and goes along with her fantasies. His laid-back attitude makes him very easy to get along with, especially since he's always looking for a bit of fun.

Liu Amber (f(x)) | 18 / senior | 3 | Bold and confident, Amber is loud and outspoken about her opinions. A tomboy through and through, she is a little rough around the edges but as loyal as friends come. | Friends - Zimei and Amber may not have that much in common, but they always manage friendly conversation and Zimei knows she can count on Amber to create a lighter mood.

Bae "Suzy" Suji (miss A) | 17 / junior | 4 | Sweet but observant, Suzy knows how to use her innocent appearance to get what she wants. She is also mischievous, her sharp tongue often teasing those around her. | Friends - Zimei is one of Suzy's favorite targets, but she never means any harm. It's just so easy to make fun of the silly romances Zimei loves, and Suzy finds it funny when Zimei gets defensive and pouts.


rival: none




name: Kim Sunggyu (Infinite)

age/year: 19 / recent grad


Sunggyu would like to think he's scary leader material, but those close to him know he's as soft as a marshmallow behind his strict soft, in fact, that it's easy to tease and gang up on him. That is not to say he lacks the qualities of a good leader. Not only does Sunggyu have a strong sense of responsibility, he's a bit of a perfectionist and he holds himself to high standards. Sure he also likes to laze around now and then, but what's the use of age and authority if you can't boss someone around?

how did/do you meet?:

They meet when the students are introduced to the volunteers who will help watch them during the trip. While Zimei's heard of Sunggyu from Myungsoo, she doesn't actually meet him until the start of the trip. Myungsoo later pulls her aside to introduce Sunggyu to her more personally than the formal school introductions.

relationship as of this moment: none

progressing relationship:

Seeing how hesitant Zimei is to try the outdoor activities, Sunggyu attempts to get her to participate more and helps her when she doesn't know what to do. Zimei knows he's only being friendly because he feels responsible for her, but finds herself falling for how he takes care of her and how gentle he can be...even if he can be equally impatient and nag at her until she listens to him. The thought that he might be overbabying her bothers her, but at the same time, she appreciates his concern and attention. That, and she has to admit, the guy's cute. It's not like they'll get anywhere though, since a relationship between them would be forbidden - what would she have to do to intereact more with him, get herself in more trouble so he'll come to her aid?

scene request:
›  relationship drama romcom style, considering Sunggyu's past obsession with Fei, Fei and Zimei's relationship, and how Myungsoo happens to know all of Sunggyu's deep dark secrets is Zimei's best friend

›  and / or Sakura giving Sunggyu a hard time at some point because he about pedonoonaing Myungsoo yet he develops an interest in Zimei, who is even younger than Myungsoo

›  and / or Sunggyu and Zimei both freaking out over the dogs when dog-sledding is on the agenda, and Zimei giving Sunggyu a hard time because if he gets to chicken out why doesn't she?



name:  Kim "L" Myungsoo (Infinite)

age/year: 18 / senior


Generally calm and collected, Myungsoo is known for his intense stares and "poker face." His friends know, however, that Myungsoo is nowhere near the ice prince people assume he is - he is simply uncomfortable around people he's not close to, and therefore stays in awkward silence. A guy of simple pleasures, he is actually easily amused and prone to find even the most random things interesting. Thoughtful and caring, Myungsoo may not be particularly vocal about his feelings, but will show them through actions.

how did/do you meet?:

They first met at a bookstore, when Zimei accidentally bumped into Myungsoo because she couldn't see where she was going behind the pile of books she wanted to buy. The books fell, she apologized, and he helped her pick them up, only to realize that one of them was a manga he read. They had a brief conversation over it ("You'll enjoy it, the ending's surprising." "Don't underestimate me, I'm kind of an expert in this genre!") before Zimei went to pay, and that should've been the end of that - except they met again the next day. It's the first day of high school and Zimei didn't expect to know anyone in her class, but then she saw that-guy-from-yesterday. Any familiar face was a welcomed face, and maybe it was fate, right?

relationship as of this moment: best friends

progressing relationship:

Zimei naturally clings to her best friend during the trip - although she's content with simply staying at the lodge or maybe even venturing into the snow for half an hour, Myungsoo insists otherwise. He practically drags her out with the others and keeps a hold on her hand until the activities start, in order to stop her from sneaking away beforehand. He partners up and helps her when necessary, and Zimei can't help but notice how all the things he does for her are oddly similar to the winter love scenes she's been hoping to experience. Could love have been right in front of her this whole time?

scene request:

›  Myungsoo holding Zimei's hands the entire time they're ice-skating because she keeps slipping and yelping in fear whenever he's about to let go - he takes advantage of the chance to and lets her cling onto him sly meanie

›  and / or Myungsoo cuddling up to read over her shoulder while Zimei's reading by the fire




morning bird or night owl?
›  night owl
what do you do the moment you wake up?
›  whine about the sun in my eyes roll around in bed to "stretch"
did you bring anything to pass the time? (bus ride, before bed)
›  new romance novel, extra thick to last the week we'll see how that goes
ever gone camping?
›  no, I'm not a particularly outdoorsy person
they provide standard pillows, but did you bring your own?
›  yes, with a nice freshly laundered cover
how easily do you fall asleep?
›  quite easily, unless the book's a page-turner in which case, who needs sleep
do you like dogs?
›  terrified of them I like watching them! Like in dramas when the heroine loses hold of her dog's leash and it jumps on some cute guy ㅋㅋㅋ
remember that you have to carry your own things and space is limited. did you pack too much?
›  ...yes, b-but bad things always happen to the unprepared in books and dramas! I'm expecting the unexpected!

Scene/Activity Suggestion:

Maybe the students can sneak out to visit each other and / or go somewhere after lights out? LOL, if you go with this, I think it'd be fun if they got caught by one of the "cool" grads who'll eventually let them off the hook after threatening them for his / her entertainment giving them a lecture on inappropriate school conduct and its consequences

Overall story comments:

Hope she's to your liking! Feel free to change things or let me know if something’s wrong or confusing. Hwaiting on the story author-nim, can’t wait for it to begin!

Signature: Wang Zimei




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