〔❈┊❛cupid's arrow : nuit blanche❜〕— Lee Minhee


Lee Minhee


student database

name : Panda
user name : pandagirl2012
activity level : 7-8
first uhljjiang choice : Song Mira
photography : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
second uhljjiang choice : Kang Su Ra
photography : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

basic appearance : Minhee is average height and fairly skinny. She has long hair and pretty eyes. Whenever she smiles, you can see her eye smile. 
sense of fashion : Minhee always wear casual clothing, like plain skinny jeans and a cute sweater to top it off. It is very rare to find her wearing a skirt or dress, unless she has to attend a formal event.
body fashion attire : Minhee has no tattoos or piercing in any other places besides the normal ear piercing on both ears. She finds tattoos and other body piercing to be disgusting. 

personal information database

character name : Lee Minhee 
Minnie - Her friends call her this because she really loves Minnie Mouse. He parents call her this because when she was young she couldn't pronounce her name and ended up calling herself Minnie. 
date of birth : 05/17/1993
height + weight : 166 cm + 47 kg
blood type : A
ethnicity : Korean
place of birth : Seoul, South Korea
hometown : Seoul
spoken languages :

  • Korean | very fluent | She knows Korean because she grew up in Seoul
  • English | can speak & understand, but still needs a lot of work on | She started learning English in high school and is planning on continuing in the university 

personality : Minhee always comes off as cold and cruel to others because of her sarcastic remarks. However, she wasn't like this before her first boyfriend left her. Minhee used to be a very popular girl that everyone loved to be around, but not anymore. Nowadays, Minhee just stays to herself and tries not to attract too much attention to herself. Most of the time, Minhee is very cautious of her actions so she doesn't get herself in any conflict with anyone. 

Minhee has a very big issue about skinship and males. Ever since she lost her first love, she has had a dislike for males in belief that all guys are the same and can cause her heart pain. The only male that is close to Minhee is her father. And for skinship, Minhee doesn't really like to get close and all touchy with anyone. 

Though Minhee seems cold towards others, she really means well. She always hides her tears and never cries in front of anyone. The only way Minhee can let out her feelings that she keeps inside of her is through music. By singing and playing her piano/guitar, Minhee can express herself and communicate with others. 
family background : Minhee comes from a normal, middle-classed family. Her mother is a housewife and can always be found at home taking care of all family matters in the house. Minhee's father owns a small cafe by the name of "Happy Cafe". He is the owner and head chef of this wonderful cafe which sells many yummy cakes and sweets. Minhee also works part-time at the cafe to help her family earn extra money so she can continue going to school. 
school major + minor : Music (major) & Photography (minor)
dream job : Minhee has always dreamed about becoming a singer as a way of communicating her locked up feelings to everyone. 
likes :

  • Ailee (her idol/role model; someone she looks up to)
  • Minnie Mouse
  • Taking Picures
  • Quiet/Calm Places
  • Staring At the Clouds
  • Baking 
  • Listening & Playing Music


  • Skinship
  • Being in Crowded Places OR Places With a Lot of People
  • Boys, Men, Guys = (ALL MALES IN GENERAL)
  • Anything Having to Do With LOVE
  • Loud/Talkative People
  • Insects
  • Overly-Protective People


  • Stutters When Nervous
  • Bites Bottom Lip When in Deep Thought 
  • Tends to Have Very Sarcastic & Cold Remarks 
  • Avoids All Guys 

hobbies : 

  • Singing
  • Playing the Piano & Guitar
  • Taking Pictures


  • Minhee owns a cute Pomeranian named Kimchi.
  • When Minhee truly smiles, she has one of the prettiest eye smiles ever. 



family members 
father : Lee Hyunwoo / 49 / Owns a Small Cafe / Protective, Strong, Stubborn, Loving / Minhee's dad is very protective of his daughter. He doesn't mind doing anything for his daughter as long as it makes her happy. Minhee and her dad get along well, but they sometimes have small, silly arguments over nonsense topics or even nothing.  
mother : Lee Eunji / 45 / Housewife / Caring, Loving, Sweet, Kind/ Minhee's mom is like all loving and caring mothers. She always wants what's best for her daughter. No matter what happens, her husband and daughter always comes first. Minhee and her mother get along very well. If Minhee has anything that troubles her, then she finds comfort in telling her mother who seems to always have a solution to any problem. 
sibling(s) : n/a
most acquainted with : "I Really Don't Need A Man, Seriously." / Independent, Bold, Straightforward, Ignorant / Both are in no need of love or their significant "other half." This helps them get a lot well with each other. Whenever one is in need of some comfort, they meet up and talk to each other about their troubles. This is the only person Minhee is very close to and can trust. 
least acquainted with : "Dearie Caught In The Headlights." / Outlandish, Old-fashioned, Changeless, Eccentric / Minhee is not a very big fan about her matchmaking business and how she gets into other people's personal love affairs. 
the rest of the group : 
1. "A Case Of Horrible Lying And Tea."
2. "Sh! Don't Tell Anyone My Secret."
3. "Rapunzel, Do You Even Have Hair?"

rivalry : n/a (Minhee doesn't really like to get involved in anything with anyone so she tends to stay out of any serious relationships with everyone)
miscellaneous characters : Lee Hi / 19 / Student & Part-time Job At Minhee's Dad's Cafe / Popular, Sweet, Girly, Understanding / Lee Hi and Minhee were very close friends when Minhee was still popular. After Minhee started losing her place as Queenka, Lee Hi has been the only one that still stays by her side and keeps her company even though the other queenkas treat Minhee badly. 


Byun Baekhyun



cupid's match making center!

love interest : Byun Baekhyun
love interest backup : Park Chanyeol
what is his major : Music
personality : He is very kind and sweet around everyone, including Minhee. He does certain things that make people say, "That's just like Baekhyun" or "That's something Baekhyun would do." In addition, he likes to joke around a lot and is quite funny. He has this special something that can put a smile on anyone's face. 
Baekhyun can always be found hanging out around Bohyung because of their matchmaking business. 
your first meeting : Baekhyun first met Minhee when he happen to walk into the music room when she was singing and playing the piano by herself. He thought she looked very pretty and had a sweet and beautiful voice. Without meaning to, Baekhyun joined in with her and began singing too. This surprised Minhee who didn't know that Baekhyun was there. 
Minhee ended up leaving Baekhyun in the music room alone. She also left him to wonder why she was so cold. From that day on, whenever Baekhyun had the chance, he would follow Minhee around and try to get her to talk to him so he can understand her a bit more. However, Minhee wasn't interested and always acted coldly towards him. 
how the two act around each other : Ever since Baekhyun met Minhee, he has been following her around like a lost puppy. Baekhyun thinks Minhee is very pretty and interesting and wants to find out more about her. On the other hand, Minhee finds Baekhyun to be bothersome and annoying. She wants nothing to do with Bohyung and his matchmaking. 



student interview questionnaire

answer honestly and thou shall decide if worthy

write a five sentence or longer answer on how you perceive society and the world. : "The world is not as perfect and good as it seems and the same goes to the people living in it. Not all people are what they seem to be. Sometimes, not being part of the "in" crowd can help you see things others might not see. And to those who think that love is everything and that their "Prince" will find them one day, need to seriously get a life. Love isn't everything. And love certainly won't help you with anything."

in what ways would you contribute to jungsang university? : "I can contribute to Jungsang University by making it a better place and helping its ranking among other universities become higher by being earning high grades."

if there was a timer of days, hours, minutes & seconds indicating the countdown of when you will meet your soulmate, would you find yourself liking the idea? why or why not? : "No, I would find myself not liking that idea because nowadays I try to avoid anything relating to love after my first love/boyfriend left me. I believe that there at no such things as soulmates and that love... is a waste of time."

how well do you work under pressure? if business or personal relations had stress and pressure with it, tell us how you would react to it. : "I work okay under pressure, but I still prefer working in a more relaxing environment. If business or personal relations had stress and pressure with it, then I would probably try to avoid it."

if needed to escape after a stressing scene, what is one place reachable to run off to? why so? : "I would run off to a quiet park and perhaps climb up a tree and just sit there alone and stare at the clouds. I would do so because when I was a child I always found comfort in going to the park with my parents and have a picnic and later lay in the soft grass and stare at the clouds which tell many stories and continuously pass by."



comments/suggestions/questions : I hope you like my app! ^-^
scene request(s) : A scene where Minhee trips and happens to fall onto Baekhyun and they accidentally kiss. 
the golden ticket ( cupid's ) ( arrow )




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