Interview with me

This was stolen from somewhere.


What was your dream when you were a kid?
My dream was to be an author and still is my dream ^

Ah my second dream? Hm I guess being a ghost hunter would be pretty cool ^^ I am fascinated with the paranormal and what not.

Who is your rival?
Don't really have any rivals but there was this one girl who got (and still is) mad at me because I said 'I liked dubbed animes' O_O Yeah don't ask why she just got really huffy for some reason.

What is your nickname and why?

My nickname is 'Mocha' well someone on asked if they could call me that so I allowed them to because I thought it sounded cute XD

Your theme song of today is?
Theme song? Hmmm....ah! SNSD's 'Way To Go' I guess

The first thing you would do when you get up early in the morning is?
:shrugs: Just brush my teeth, brush my hair, take a shower the usual stuff

Your most loved food?
Ah my most favorite would have to be Chicken Alfreido ^^

Your most hated food?
...Asparagus. I don't know why just-it's not my thing.

Your favourite season is?
Winter, summer and fall :) I like winter because of the holiday season, summer because there's no snow, and fall because I like watching the leafs change colors and it's neither too hot or too cold just right.

At this moment the person you want to meet the most is?
As of right now it's all of DBSK and Bruce Lee (well if he were alive that is .__.)

At this moment the thing you want to challenge is?

When you compare yourself to an animal?
Interesting question...I think I compare myself to a fox? Sheep? I don't know XD

What do you think you were in your previous existence?
You know I'm not real sure. I wonder this now and then actually.

The scent you like is?
Cinnamon! We have this really nice candal in our living room that is cinnamon scented or whatever, very nice smell. And I also like the scent of strawberries, blueberries (have a blueberry scented candal), stuff like that basically.

The subject you're good at in school is?
I was pretty good at English and History

The thing that you hate the most in the world is?
Homophobes, racist, bullies and terroism are at the top of my list -__-

The only thing that you can't stop is?
Love for and writing XD

The TV program that you like is?
As of now it's 'The Nanny' XD Fran Drescher's character never fails to make me laugh.

The movie you like is?
Ju-On: The Grudge ftw!

Currently the thing you are crazy about is?

DBSK! ^0^

Your ideal way to enjoy a date?
Hmmm maybe a nice walk along the beach? Go to a nice, quiet restaraunt? Not sure really.

Your way to relieve stress is?
I just write and write and write, oh and talking helps as well.

What is the standby screen on your cell phone?
Don't have a cell phone

The sushi topping you like is?
Um not sure really, don't remember the types.

What kind of moments make you suddenly think "I'm a genius"?
When someone tells me I made them feel good about themselves ^^

The person you respect is?
My mom, nana, great-grandmother, grandfather, most of my family really

The moment when you feel happy is?
When my mom tells me I have what it takes to be an author, don't know why it just makes me feel good and more confident about my writing.

The behaviour of the opposite that attracts you is?
Well I love it when a guy has a good sense of humor, when they smile, stuff like that I guess

The scariest thing in the world is?
To be honest? I don't really know right now...I guess not accomplishing my dream? Don't know.

The thing that you are doing for your health is?
Trying to balance out my portions in food *Key word: Trying XD*

The thing that you once hated in childhood that you have now come to like is?
I guess it would be intteracting with other people ^^; I was always very, very shy when I was a child but now I actually like talking with people more.

The dish that you are best at making is?
Well I'm a pretty bad cook actually XD The only thing I can really 'cook' is mac and cheese -__-

Your outfit when sleeping is?
T-shirt and pair of pj bottoms

The thing that you must do before you go to bed is?
Take a shower? I just like showering before bed for some reason.

Your average sleeping time is?
Hmmmm maybe about six-seven hours?

The place where you feel the most relaxing is?
In my room ^^

An interesting dream that you had recently is?
I can't remember the last dream I had .___.

If you had a holiday for 1 month what would you do to spend it?
Ah I would try and go to South Korea and visit not only Seoul but also Daegu, Incheon, and I guess just do a little site seeing, go to some concerts, maybe some nightclubs, stuff like that really.

Lately the most interesting thing is?
Um...roleplaying I guess ^^

Lately the most irritating thing is?
Actually I'm not really irritated by anything lately-well wait scratch that, one of my in real life friends can be kind of a pest so they bug me a bit -__-

Have you cried lately?
Yeah a little bit ^^; Can't remember what for though

So far the most painful memory is?
The day my great-grandmother passed away

What is the biggest news about yourself in 2011?
Biggest news ah let's see here...I almost got my book published but it turned out the company was fake T^T Or was that 2012? Can't remember.

Please say one last final word to the people reading this.
One final thing to say? ....Yunjae forever! XD Sorry couldn't think of anything to really say honestly :P *rolls away awkwardly*


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"Yunjae forever!" I literally snorted when I saw that lol. Yunjae is like the kings of all otps' lol
Haha nice exit! XD
Can I steal this? :3