Dear HoMin

That issue that happened years ago

Still comes back to all like one big blow

When DBSK separated

Everybody acted exagerrated.


For many years DBSK performed as 5

Their songs touched many lives

Cassiopeaia was formed because of them

And they beacme our past time since then.


All things were running smoothly

Until one day all changed suddenly

When Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu filed a lawsuit against SME

You, Yunho and Changmin, couldn't do anything but disagree.


You didn't take their side

So most of the fans had been out of mind

Since then you've received bad comments

And there they come, your painful moments.


You keep ignoring their calls and you switched numbers

Because of that they've become sobers

Changmin said a philosophy about geese

That when they flew away, probably they'll never come back.


Oh dear Minnie

Don't you forget

That geese always comes in flocks

Seldom in pairs


You can say that I am rude

But it depends on my mood

We Cassies, your fans, wish you did that because you have to

Not because you want to.


They came back as JYJ

And after a long time you came back as DBSK duo

But remember Jaejoongie dear is w/ them, the fave member

So they can be more famous than you from noew on.


HoMin, all of us had receuved these deep scars

But please soften your hearts

You can be friends again

And be happy again like in the past.


I hope SM Entertainment is not behind this nonsense

For they will face the wrath of Cassies!

Don't be scared of them

'Cause they are just a strict management.


I believe one day

If you cannot really perform together as 5

You can be friends again

And continue your career as 5!


Go Dong Bang Shin Ki! Fight! :)


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I almost cry when read this but i really hope and always keep the faith that their will comeback as 5 again,not 3 and not 2 but 5
And don't used the word past because jaejoongie said that jyj are still part of Dbsk eventhought their separate with each other
and about that geese it was true..i already watch it...Changmin was the one that said it...T-T..i'am really going to cry when remember about the separate T-T
I really love it <3.....Aish,why the tears can't stop rolling from my eyes huhuhuhu-sniff-huhuhuh..........