
Today was a very eventful day. At first it started out like any other but then I got pulled out of choir class to talk to my counselor. While waiting I got the chance to talk to two people who I wasn’t really familiar with. We had a nice chat and finally I got called in. What did we talk about? Of course the one thing that most seniors in high school are thinking about: college.

So I went to my 2ndhour, AP Stats where they were trying to find participants for the pep assembly later on. Because I walked in late my teacher decided to volunteer me which I wasn’t thrilled about. Then 2ndhour passed along with 3rdand I went to the counselors’ office again but this time to fill out applications blah blah blah. Then the parade came!. Then pep assembly time which turned out to be a blast(seniors won the games!)

Went home, got ready, and then met up with friends. I got to have a good talk with one of my close friends whom I was drifting away from. Then it got to cold so we went to our cars and played music. We weren’t out there long but I had this bad feeling so I tried starting the car and you called it, it wouldn’t start. We couldn’t jump the battery because a guy was in front of me and the cables wouldn’t reach.

We gave up and decided to go to the dance and try it later. My school is a bit strange. We don’t do formal homecomings and the dance is right after. Last year’s and expected the same this but I was wrong. It was great and I danced all night. After the dance I tried to start my car and it magically worked!

Now why did I write about my day? Well, I started thinking about today and the goodness that came with it. It was carefree, exciting, and fun. Then I thought about the future. I’m going off to college and will probably be separated from most of the people I’ve become so attached to, my family and friends. It’s a sad thought but then I remembered I have memories, like the ones I made at 2011 Homecoming. Might not seem like much but they're more valuable then they seem.

We can’t stop time so what’s the point in dwelling in the past. We should cherish our family, friends, memories, and keep moving forward. I’ve been really sad lately but this seems to be a turning point for me. I’m writing this more for myself as a reminder that I learned a lesson today: Remember what you’ve had, love what you have, and keep your head up for what is about to come. Life is a journey and you never know where it may take you. 


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