wala pdin title >

"Ihra" I called my best friend's attention. "Wake me up when the teacher arrived" I told her as she looked at me. I didn't get enough sleep last night because I read a book and it took me until 4:30 am to finish that book. I drifted to sleep when I saw my best friend nod at me.

It was already dark. I am walking my way home hand on hand with the love of my life. We are so happy and we are giggling about something we are talking about. It's about marriage. I looked at him and smile but I didn't see his face. Everything became pitch black and ......


Jonghyun's POV:

We entered the classroom and I saw my seatmate sleeping. I stared at her face and noticed that she was smiling. 'Maybe she's dreaming' I thought to myself. I leaned in more closer to look at her smiling face when suddenly ......

Key's POV:

'Who's that girl? Is she the girl Minho was talking about?'  my thoughts were interrupted when I saw Jonghyun leaning closer to the girl's face 'Is he going to KISS HER?!!!' I panicked but by the time I was about to stand up to stop what he was trying to do ....... I laughed really hard !!

Minho's POV:

I can't believe Jonghyun hyung doesn't know about her being the school's ace. I wonder what his reaction would be! Omo! What is this? Is he trying to kiss her? What's up with him? I felt the urge to stop him because it was never right to suddenly kiss a girl he doesn't even know but before I could do something ......... That made me LAUGH real hard.

Onew's POV:

I am still eating this chicken. Oh so delicious. I couldn't care less about what's happening around me but what I saw made me choke and LAUGH.

Taemin's POV:

I was busy playing with this pokemon game when I noticed my hyungs looking at Jonghyun hyung. I LAUGHED when I saw him being slapped by a noona.


As I open my eyes, I was shocked when I saw blonde boy's face NEAR ME. NEAR MY FACE. it's SOOOOO FREAKIN NEAR ME. What was he trying to do? I can't think of anythiong else now. *SLAP* . I slapped him. That's the only thing that came to my mind. SLAP him. I looked around and saw his friends laughing, I guess they saw what happened. They should've stopped their friend from doing something ILLEGAL.

"YOU! What did you do?!" I shouted at him. But shock was clearly seen in his expression. He didn't answer my question.

"D-d-did you do anything unnecessary?" I asked trying to be more nicer. But he didn't answer me again. I was getting pissed so I asked him again. "D-d-d-did you kiss me?!" I was waiting for him to answer and this time, yes, he did! "N-N-NO! I didn't do it! I promise!" he answered while shaking. I laughed at his expression. It was really funny seeing him that way! I feel so superior but the way he answered my question! He was that afraid. "HAHAHAHAHAHHA" I kept on laughing and laughing. I looked at him once again and saw him with an "o" expression. I laughed again. I turned around and saw his friends also with an "o" expression, I looked at Ihra who was just smiling. She knows me well. I do not need to explain anything anymore. I gave her a look and she laughed with me.

This day is an exception! This day isn't boring at all! Hahaha. For the first time, I loved school :))


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