still have NO TITLE >

"hey what was that?" Ihra asked me. I bet she saw what happened earlier. Urgh. I hate that guy! He freaking tried to remove my glasses. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him and his blonde hair! I was busily thinking about how much I hate him when I saw pair of hands waving at me. It was my best friend's. "What do you mean?" yeah, I lied. I don't want to talk about it anymore. It'll only get on my nerves and I don't want that to happen. "I know you know what I'm talking about! I saw slapping his hands!" she said while imitating my actions. "Nothing. Don't mind us!" I replied trying to get over this silly topic.

We ate our lunch inside our classroom. It was very delicious. My best friend really knows how to make me happy! And yes! I love food! It's the only thing I love to do. Eating! It is basically because I never get fat, my metabolism is fast, and I love myself for that. Because that way, I can still be fashionable. I'm a geek but I love fashion, same as Ihra. I guess that's what made us friends.


Blonde boy's POV:

We, together with my bandmates headed towards the canteen to buy foods and eat. I was walking unfocused because I was looking for my seatmate, I tried looking for her even when we started eating, I was STILL looking for her even after we finished eating, but I DIDN't FIND HER! I was slowly getting anxious because I can't find what I am looking for. 'Where the hell did she go? I swear I saw her walk out our classroom after our class but I can't find her anywhere!' I told myself.

"Hey Jjong!" called by one of them. By the sound of his voice, I can tell it was Key who called me. I looked at him with a what-do-you-want look. "What's up? You look so flustered!" he said and rolled his eyes. "Nothing!" I replied, I really can't think straight now, I want to see that girl again. He slapped my hand just for the mere reason that I tried taking off her glasses. 'Why did I do that anyway?' I shrugged at my thought.

"Maybe hyung was looking for Ms. Top 1" it was Minho who was talking. 'Miss Top 1? Who the hell?'

"Who the hell?" I glared at him. I don't know who is he talking about! I was only looking for my seatmate! Did I make it that obvious? Oh Jonghyun! You should learn how to hide something! Even facial expressions!

"Hyung! You should stop that hobby of yours!" he was clearly teasing me. "What? What hobby?" I asked. Finally, my attention is turned to something else. And it's better this way. "Your hobby of DENYING" he said emphasizing on the last word. "Me? Denying? Is there anything to deny? huh Minho?" I said getting pissed off. "Nothing. But I think you like Ms. Top 1 hyung" he said again. Who's Miss Top 1 by the way? Do I know her? Have I met her?

"Onew hyung. Do you know what Minho is talking about?" I asked him but he just looked at me and continued eating his BUCKET OF CHICKEN. Oh. When will he stop eating chicken? He eats chicken everyday. How can he keep on eating that without choking? If it was me, I won't be eating that anymore. Not even once anymore. But wait! I am still thinking who is that Top 1 Minho is talking about. I wouldn't go looking for that girl whoever she is because my seatmate is pretty enough. Hehe. I like very much, I don't know why. And I will not like that Top 1 lady because I don't like girls who's more intelligent more than I can ever be.



waaaaa~ I don't know what I am doing ><


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