Ok, so im like MAJJJJJOOOORLY panicking! I have been travelling around asia and got back a litttle while ago, so thats one of the major reasons why I havent been able to update my stories. But i found time today to do so and My chapters for "Flight of the butterflies" and "When Pigs Fly" are GONE! The forewards and everything are there.

    I'm so bummed right now. I dont really remembered what I wrote about, so it would be reaaalllly hard to re-write them. And even if I did try to re write them it wouldnt be the same. Also... im too lazy and upset to re-write them. Aghhhh!

    I wont delete the stories just incase some miracle happens and the chapters return. But just thought I would tell you all so you wont hate me for not updating!... wahhhh

Love your dejected friend,

~Bexxx <333


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Awwwww T_T...finger cross that you find them too^^...